Preparing Assets for Babylon.js

Creating assets that are beautiful and engaging while still being optimized for performance rendering at 60 fps can be tricky. This section is here to help you understand some of the basic concepts of creating real-time assets to use in Babylon.js.There are many great resources for learning how to create 3D assets for real-time rendering available online so this section will point to those resources when available. In that sense, this guide won't be a step-by-step guide for creating a specific asset in a specific digital content creation (DCC) tool, but rather a higher level discussion of the concepts that artists will be faced with when creating real-time assets. This section will also explain Babylon.js-specific concepts for asset creation to help you get the most out of your art pipeline.

To start things off, we will link to the Khronos Group Real-Time Asset Creation Guidelines which does a good job of explaining many of the basics of what real-time artists face when creating an asset. This guide is a good place to start for general concepts, but understand that the guide was written with creating assets for e-commerce in mind. This means that the target use is likely a small scene with a limited number of assets meant to help the purchase decision of the user. This means that any guidelines you see for triangle count, texture size, download size, material count, etc. may not fit with the size of scope of your scene and may need to be adjusted.

This section will also grow as demand dictates and you can help with that. Do you want to learn about a topic? Let us know on the Babylon.js Forum!

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