Volumetric Light Scattering Post Process

How To Use the Volumetric LightScattering post-process

BABYLON.VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess is a post-process that will compute the light scattering according to a light source mesh.

How to use it? Easy!

const vls = new BABYLON.VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess("vls", 1.0, camera, lightSourceMesh, samplesNum, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, engine, false);

_ Parameters _

  • name {string} - The post-process name.
  • ratio {any} - The size of the post-process and/or internal pass (0.5 means that your postprocess will have a width = canvas.width * 0.5 and a height = canvas.height * 0.5.)
  • camera {BABYLON.Camera} - The camera that the post-process will be attached to.
  • lightSourceMesh {BABYLON.Mesh} - The mesh used as a light source, to create the light scattering effect (for example, a billboard with its texture simulating the sun.)
  • samplesNum {number} - The post-process quality. Default is 100.
  • samplingMode {number} - The post-process filtering mode.
  • engine {BABYLON.Engine} - The Babylon engine.
  • reusable {boolean} - If the post-process is reusable.
  • scene {BABYLON.Scene} - If the camera parameter is null (adding the post-process in a rendering pipeline), the scene is needed to configure the internal pass.

The lightSourceMesh is a mesh that will contain the light colour, typically a billboard with a diffuse texture. If your light source is coming from the floor, you can use the floor/ground mesh to compute the light scattering effect.

**Note: The light source mesh can be null. This causes a default lightSourceMesh to be created for you as a billboard **

To create the default mesh before the post-process, there is a static method that returns a billboard as the default:

const defaultMesh = BABYLON.VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess.CreateDefaultMesh("meshName", scene);

You can access and modify the mesh using:

const mesh = vls.mesh;

By default, the post-process is computing the light scattering using the internal mesh position. You can modify and set a custom position using (typically for the floor as the internal mesh):

vls.useCustomMeshPosition = true;
vls.setCustomMeshPosition(new BABYLON.Vector3(5.0, 0.0, 5.0));

Warning: If the custom light position is too far from the light source, the result will be distorted.

You can access the custom position using:

const position = vls.getCustomMeshPosition();

To customize the light scattering, you can modify the vertical direction of the light rays. If invert is set to true, the rays will go downward. Upward, if invert is set false.

vls.invert = true;

To optimize performance, you can customize the rendering quality. In fact, this post-process uses an internal pass (render target texture) that will help the post-process to compute the light scattering effect. Of course, you can compute the pass in a lower ratio like:

const vls = new BABYLON.VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess("vls", { postProcessRatio: 1.0, passRatio: 0.5 }, camera, lightSourceMesh, 75, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, engine, false);

vls.useDiffuseColor is used to force rendering the diffuse color of the light source mesh instead of its diffuse texture.

  • If useDiffuseColor is true or material.diffuseTexture is undefined, use the diffuse color

  • If useDiffuseColor is false and material.diffuseTexture is not undefined, use diffuse texture

  • If useDiffuseColor is false and material.diffuseTexture is undefined, use diffuse color

Using the material.diffuseColor instead of material.diffuseTexture (as default) for the light's color:

vls.useDiffuseColor = true; // False as default
vls.mesh.material.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

Using the material.diffuseTexture for the light's color:

vls.useDiffuseColor = false; // False as default
vls.mesh.material.diffuseTexture= new BABYLON.Texture(...);

And now, it's time to play

Feel free to tour some examples of Volumetric LightScattering in the playground :

  • Basic Example
  • Spherical Harmonics as Source
  • VLS through CSG-created slots

Have fun !