WebXR Augmented Reality Features

A bit about augmented reality

The idea behind augmented reality is simple - show the real world, but add information on top of it. As opposed to virtual reality where you are fully immersed in a different scene and have no actual contact to the real world.

Getting started with Augmented reality

WebXR and AR

Augmented reality using Babylon.js heavily relies on WebXR. It's recommended to first start with the getting started with WebXR guide. Most of the information that is valid for immersive VR sessions is also valid for immersive AR sessions. The few main differences between the two will be explained here.

Supported devices

Immersive AR sessions are (currently) supported on two types of devices - mobile phones and Firefox reality on the HoloLens.

Mobile phones using Android support immersive AR sessions on Chrome (Stable/Canary). Note that you will need to install AR Core, otherwise it will be a very short experience.

HoloLens 2 supports WebXR and immersive AR sessions when using Firefox Reality for HoloLens.

To check your scene on a desktop you can use the WebXR emulator, which supports a set of features of AR and lets you enter an immersive AR session when choosing the mobile mode.

Simple scene in immersive AR

The simplest immersive AR sample is a port of an immersive VR scene:

var createScene = async function () {
var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("camera1", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 5, -10), scene);
camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
var light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light1", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);
light.intensity = 0.7;
var sphere = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateSphere("sphere1", { segments: 16, diameter: 2 }, scene);
sphere.position.y = 2;
sphere.position.z = 5;
const xr = await scene.createDefaultXRExperienceAsync({
// ask for an ar-session
uiOptions: {
sessionMode: "immersive-ar",
return scene;

Playground for a simple immersive AR scene: Simple Immersive AR Scene

Notice that no environment was created. As opposed to immersive VR sessions, AR doesn't require a skybox or ground. If you want to define ground and remove it when entering AR (for example if you develop an experience for both desktop and AR) you can use the background remover feature, defined later in this page.


Some features require the Incubation flag in the latest Chrome Canary. Visit chrome://flags and enable WebXR incubation.

You will then need to ask WebXR to enable this feature. this can be done using the optionalFeature parameter in the default experience helper:

const xr = await scene.createDefaultXRExperienceAsync({
uiOptions: {
sessionMode: "immersive-ar",
optionalFeatures: true,

This will enable all optional features that we support. You can also add individual features by using an array instead of a boolean value:

const xr = await scene.createDefaultXRExperienceAsync({
uiOptions: {
sessionMode: "immersive-ar",
optionalFeatures: ["hit-test", "anchors"],

Hit Test

Hit Test is used for sending a ray into the real world and receiving information about intersection in space. You can read about it in the Hit Test w3c draft. Think about a ray that is broadcasted from your phone's screen towards to object you are looking for. If the device's AR capabilities allows it, it will let you know the position and orientation of the point relative to you.

To enable hit-testing, add this after initializing XR

// featuresManager from the base webxr experience helper
const hitTest = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRHitTest, "latest");

In TypeScript, you can also get the type set correctly:

// featuresManager from the base webxr experience helper
const hitTest = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRHitTest, 'latest') as BABYLON.WebXRHitTest;

This will enable the default behavior of hit-testing which is sending a single hit-test ray from the center of the display forward on each frame.

The options that you can pass are described in the following interface:

export interface IWebXRHitTestOptions {
* Do not create a permanent hit test. Will usually be used when only
* transient inputs are needed.
disablePermanentHitTest?: boolean;
* Enable transient (for example touch-based) hit test inspections
enableTransientHitTest?: boolean;
* Offset ray for the permanent hit test
offsetRay?: Vector3;
* Offset ray for the transient hit test
transientOffsetRay?: Vector3;
* Instead of using viewer space for hit tests, use the reference space defined in the session manager
useReferenceSpace?: boolean;

disablePermanentHitTest will disable the constant hit-testing, while enableTransientHitTest will enable hit-tests when touching the screen. The “offsets” define the offset from which the ray will be sent (relative to the center of the device's view).

After enabling the feature, you can register to get updates using the onHitTestResultObservable:

// a dot to show in the found position
const dot = BABYLON.SphereBuilder.CreateSphere(
diameter: 0.05,
dot.isVisible = false;
hitTest.onHitTestResultObservable.add((results) => {
if (results.length) {
dot.isVisible = true;
results[0].transformationMatrix.decompose(dot.scaling, dot.rotationQuaternion, dot.position);
} else {
dot.isVisible = false;

This will show the dot only if hit-test worked, and will hide it if it didn't. The dot will be projected to the real world using the information provided by the system.

A simple example for WebXR hit-test using Babylon.js: WebXR Hit-Test Using Babylon.js. Open this with your AR device (probably your Android smartphone) and point the device at a textured plane (like your floor or door). The marker will be shown at the right location if/when the system scanned the plane correctly.


Anchors are tracked points in space that the system will constantly update as you continue scanning your environment. The points' transformation will be constantly updated by the underlying system. You can read more about Anchors at the WebXR anchors module w3c proposal.

Enable the Anchors system using:

// featuresManager from the base webxr experience helper
const anchorSystem = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRAnchorSystem, "latest");

or for TypeScript:

// featuresManager from the base webxr experience helper
const anchorSystem = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRAnchorSystem, 'latest') as BABYLON.WebXRAnchorSystem;

Some options can be passed to the anchor system:

export interface IWebXRAnchorSystemOptions {
* a node that will be used to convert local to world coordinates
worldParentNode?: TransformNode;
* If set to true a reference of the created anchors will be kept until the next session starts
* If not defined, anchors will be removed from the array when the feature is detached or the session ended.
doNotRemoveAnchorsOnSessionEnded?: boolean;

Anchors are removed when exiting the XR session (note that the anchors get removed, not the meshes that are attached to them), which is the recommended behavior, as anchors cannot be referenced between sessions.

If you want to prevent that from happening, use the doNotRemoveAnchorsOnSessionEnded when initializing the anchor system:

const anchorSystem = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRAnchorSystem, "latest", { doNotRemoveAnchorsOnSessionEnded: true });

The Anchor system fits perfectly to the Hit Test feature if you want to add an anchor at a hit-test position. To do that use the addAnchorPointUsingHitTestResultAsync function:

const arTestResult = getMeTheResultINeed();
const anchorPromise = anchorSystem.addAnchorPointUsingHitTestResultAsync(lastHitTest);

To add an anchor in any position and rotation in the scene, use the addAnchorAtPositionAndRotationAsync function:

const { position, rotationQuaternion } = anyRandomMesh;
const anchorPromise = anchorSystem.addAnchorAtPositionAndRotationAsync(position, rotationQuaternion);

Note that anchorPromise will return a native XRAnchor when fulfilled. This will provide you with what the browser returns. To work with anchors in the Babylon way, we use the observables defined in the anchor module:

anchorSystem.onAnchorAddedObservable.add((anchor) => {
// ... do what you want with the anchor after it was added
anchorSystem.onAnchorRemovedObservable.add((anchor) => {
// ... do what you want with the anchor after it was removed
anchorSystem.onAnchorUpdatedObservable.add((anchor) => {
// ... do what you want with the anchor after it was updated

The anchor is of type IWebXRAnchor:

export interface IWebXRAnchor {
* A babylon-assigned ID for this anchor
id: number;
* Transformation matrix to apply to an object attached to this anchor
transformationMatrix: Matrix;
* The native anchor object
xrAnchor: XRAnchor;
* if defined, this object will be constantly updated by the anchor's position and rotation
attachedNode?: TransformNode;

To attach an anchor to a node (for example a mesh that you want to always be in this location in the scene) use the attachedNode variable. This will also update the mesh's transformation when the anchor is updated:

const mesh = anchorSystem.onAnchorAddedObservable.add((anchor) => {
anchor.attachedNode = mesh;

The mesh will now be tracked by the system and will be located at the requested point.

You might ask yourself why use the anchor system with hit-test results, as hit-test results are returned by the system with a position defined by the device. Setting the mesh at the hit-test's location will work just fine. The difference is that the system might update the information it has about this position - maybe it found out the plane is at a different transformation, maybe it updated its position in space. Using the anchor system will keep the transformation updated even when the system updated its knowledge of the space.

Plane detection

Your device is (usually) capable of detecting plane geometries in the real world. To read more about plane detection go to the Plane detection explainer.

Babylon has an experimental plane detection module that works with the underlying system. To enable it:

// featuresManager from the base webxr experience helper
const planeDetector = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRPlaneDetector, "latest");

Just like any module you can configure it using the options object, which is of this type:

export interface IWebXRPlaneDetectorOptions {
* The node to use to transform the local results to world coordinates
worldParentNode?: TransformNode;
* If set to true a reference of the created planes will be kept until the next session starts
* If not defined, planes will be removed from the array when the feature is detached or the session ended.
doNotRemovePlanesOnSessionEnded?: boolean;

Similar to the anchor system, planes do not stay between sessions. If you want to keep the native XRPlane objects, set the doNotRemovePlanesOnSessionEnded to true, and Babylon will not delete them.

The plane detector works automatically and offers three observables for you to use:

planeDetector.onPlaneAddedObservable.add((plane) => {
// ... do what you want with the plane after it was added
planeDetector.onPlaneRemovedObservable.add((plane) => {
// ... do what you want with the plane after it was removed
planeDetector.onPlaneUpdatedObservable.add((plane) => {
// ... do what you want with the plane after it was updated

The plane object is of type IWebXRPlane:

export interface IWebXRPlane {
* a babylon-assigned ID for this polygon
id: number;
* an array of vector3 points in babylon space. right/left hand system is taken into account.
polygonDefinition: Array<Vector3>;
* A transformation matrix to apply on the mesh that will be built using the polygonDefinition
* Local vs. World are decided if worldParentNode was provided or not in the options when constructing the module
transformationMatrix: Matrix;
* the native xr-plane object
xrPlane: XRPlane;

To create a Babylon polygon from the plane information do the following:

const plane = // a reference to an added plane
// add the starting point, so the polygon will close
// create a polygon mesh builder for the polygons returned from the system
var polygon_triangulation = new BABYLON.PolygonMeshBuilder(
plane.polygonDefinition.map((p) => new BABYLON.Vector2(p.x, p.z)),
// build the plane with specific thickness
var polygon = polygon_triangulation.build(false, 0.01);

A simple use case for planes is showing them in your scene using polygons. An example for that can be found at the WebXR Plane Detection demo: WebXR Plane Dedication Demo

Background remover

When in AR you want to avoid environment meshes like a skybox and a ground (unless it was your goal to keep them). If you are creating a scene that should work on both regular devices and in AR, you will want the ability to disable certain meshes when entering AR, and re-enabling them when leaving AR. This module does exactly that. It receives a list of meshes, and disables/enables them when needed.

When using the Babylon environment helper, the module can do the work for you automatically. In that case, the skybox and ground will be automatically removed if you enabled the feature.

To enable it use:

const xrBackgroundRemover = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRBackgroundRemover);

To customize the way the module works, use the following configuration object:

export interface IWebXRBackgroundRemoverOptions {
* Further background meshes to disable when entering AR
backgroundMeshes?: AbstractMesh[];
* flags to configure the removal of the environment helper.
* If not set, the entire background will be removed. If set, flags should be set as well.
environmentHelperRemovalFlags?: {
* Should the skybox be removed (default false)
skyBox?: boolean,
* Should the ground be removed (default false)
ground?: boolean,
* don't disable the environment helper
ignoreEnvironmentHelper?: boolean;

For example if you want the module to remove only the skybox and not the ground, when using the environment helper, enable the feature this way:

const xrBackgroundRemover = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRBackgroundRemover, "latest", {
environmentHelperRemovalFlags: {
skyBox: true,
ground: false,

DOM Overlay

When in AR mode you may want to have a DOM element shown.

When enabling the DOM overlay feature element is the only required option and can be either a DOM element or a string (using first element returned when passed to document.querySelector).

The final parameter of enableFeature may be important for you and can set this feature as optional.

const featuresManager = xr.baseExperience.featuresManager;
const domOverlayFeature = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRDomOverlay, "latest", { element: ".dom-overlay-container" }, undefined, false);
xr.baseExperience.onStateChangedObservable.add((webXRState) => {
switch (webXRState) {
case BABYLON.WebXRState.IN_XR:
// domOverlayType will be null when not supported.
console.log("overlay type:", domOverlayFeature.domOverlayType);

Once you have entered AR you can check the feature for the DOM overlay type; domOverlayType will be non-null if the feature is supported in the browser.

The latest options can be found in the WebXR DOM overlay feature's source code.

WebXR Light estimation

When enabling the Light Estimation feature, WebXR will start analyzing the scene and will provide the developer with light estimation data that can be used to make the scene look more realistic.

For example, when placing an element on the floor, it could provide the light direction for more realistic shadows, and the environment map for more realistic reflections.

The idea is that the underlying system provides us with a lot of details that allow us to “match” the object we are placing with the real world. Light estimation can provide us:

  • Light color (and intensity)
  • Light direction
  • Reflection cubemap (environment)
  • Spherical harmonics coefficients
  • Happiness

The data is only provided per frame if requested by the developer. This allows adjusting performance on older/slower devices. When enabling light estimation you can provide the following options:

export interface IWebXRLightEstimationOptions {
* Disable the cube map reflection feature. In this case only light direction and color will be updated
disableCubeMapReflection?: boolean;
* Should the scene's env texture be set to the cube map reflection texture
* Note that this doesn't work is disableCubeMapReflection if set to false
setSceneEnvironmentTexture?: boolean;
* How often should the cubemap update in ms.
* If not set the cubemap will be updated every time the underlying system updates the environment texture.
cubeMapPollInterval?: number;
* How often should the light estimation properties update in ms.
* If not set the light estimation properties will be updated on every frame (depending on the underlying system)
lightEstimationPollInterval?: number;
* Should a directional light source be created.
* If created, this light source will be updated whenever the light estimation values change
createDirectionalLightSource?: boolean;
* Define the format to be used for the light estimation texture.
reflectionFormat?: XRReflectionFormat;
* Should the light estimation's needed vectors be constructed on each frame.
* Use this when you use those vectors and don't want their values to change outside of the light estimation feature
disableVectorReuse?: boolean;
* disable applying the spherical polynomial to the cube map texture
disableSphericalPolynomial?: boolean;

Note that all the following demos are meant to work incorrectly while not in AR mode!

This demo shows how to use the light estimation feature to create a directional light source including shadows and environment map:

Light estimation - full demo

Enabling a light source

To enable the feature with one or more of these options, use (for example):

const lightEstimationFeature = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRFeatureName.LIGHT_ESTIMATION, "latest", {
createDirectionalLightSource: true,

This will create a directional light source that will be updated constantly.

Light estimation - light source

Enabling shadows

Since a light source is created for you, you can enable a shadow generator using this light. To do that use the following code after enabling the feature:

const le = defaultXRExperience.baseExperience.featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRFeatureName.LIGHT_ESTIMATION, 'latest', {
createDirectionalLightSource: true,
const shadowGenerator = new BABYLON.ShadowGenerator(512, le.directionalLight)
shadowGenerator.useBlurExponentialShadowMap = true;

Adjusting performance

Light estimation can be a heavy task to perform on older/slower devices. You can provide an interval in which the data will be polled to improve your scene's performance:

const lightEstimationFeature = featuresManager.enableFeature(BABYLON.WebXRFeatureName.LIGHT_ESTIMATION, "latest", {
lightEstimationPollInterval: 1000,
cubeMapPollInterval: 1000,

This will update both the light data itself and the environment cube map every second (instead of every time notifies us that the data has changed).


XR Measurement Tape Placing A Mesh In Space

Further reading