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Class used to store any kind of animation


  • Animation



  • new Animation(name: string, targetProperty: string, framePerSecond: number, dataType: number, loopMode?: number, enableBlending?: boolean): Animation
  • Initializes the animation


    • name: string

      Name of the animation

    • targetProperty: string

      Property to animate

    • framePerSecond: number

      The frames per second of the animation

    • dataType: number

      The data type of the animation

    • Optional loopMode: number

      The loop mode of the animation

    • Optional enableBlending: boolean

      Specifies if blending should be enabled

    Returns Animation


blendingSpeed: number

Stores the blending speed of the animation

dataType: number

The data type of the animation

enableBlending?: boolean

Specifies if blending should be enabled

framePerSecond: number

The frames per second of the animation

loopMode?: number

The loop mode of the animation

name: string

Name of the animation

snippetId: string

Snippet ID if the animation was created from the snippet server

targetProperty: string

Property to animate

targetPropertyPath: string[]

Stores an array of target property paths

uniqueId: number

Gets or sets the unique id of the animation (the uniqueness is solely among other animations)


Constant Loop Mode


Cycle Loop Mode


Relative Loop Mode


Color3 animation type


Color3 animation type


Float animation type


Matrix animation type


Quaternion animation type


Size animation type


Vector2 animation type


Vector3 animation type

AllowMatricesInterpolation: boolean

Use matrix interpolation instead of using direct key value when animating matrices

AllowMatrixDecomposeForInterpolation: boolean

When matrix interpolation is enabled, this boolean forces the system to use Matrix.DecomposeLerp instead of Matrix.Lerp. Interpolation is more precise but slower

CreateFromSnippetAsync: ((snippetId: string) => Promise<Animation | Animation[]>)

Type declaration

    • Creates an animation or an array of animations from a snippet saved by the Inspector


      • snippetId: string

        defines the snippet to load

      Returns Promise<Animation | Animation[]>

      a promise that will resolve to the new animation or a new array of animations

SnippetUrl: string

Define the Url to load snippets


  • get hasRunningRuntimeAnimations(): boolean
  • Specifies if any of the runtime animations are currently running

    Returns boolean

  • Return the array of runtime animations currently using this animation

    Returns RuntimeAnimation[]


  • Add an event to this animation


    Returns void

  • Makes a copy of the animation

    Returns Animation

    Cloned animation

  • Interpolates a Color3 linearly


    • startValue: Color3

      Start value of the animation curve

    • endValue: Color3

      End value of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate

    Returns Color3

    Interpolated Color3 value

  • Interpolates a Color3 cubically


    • startValue: Color3

      Start value of the animation curve

    • outTangent: Color3

      End tangent of the animation

    • endValue: Color3

      End value of the animation curve

    • inTangent: Color3

      Start tangent of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate

    Returns Color3

    interpolated value

  • Interpolates a Color4 linearly


    • startValue: Color4

      Start value of the animation curve

    • endValue: Color4

      End value of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate

    Returns Color4

    Interpolated Color3 value

  • Interpolates a Color4 cubically


    • startValue: Color4

      Start value of the animation curve

    • outTangent: Color4

      End tangent of the animation

    • endValue: Color4

      End value of the animation curve

    • inTangent: Color4

      Start tangent of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate

    Returns Color4

    interpolated value

  • createRange(name: string, from: number, to: number): void
  • Creates an animation range


    • name: string

      Name of the animation range

    • from: number

      Starting frame of the animation range

    • to: number

      Ending frame of the animation

    Returns void

  • deleteRange(name: string, deleteFrames?: boolean): void
  • Deletes an animation range by name


    • name: string

      Name of the animation range to delete

    • Optional deleteFrames: boolean

      Specifies if the key frames for the range should also be deleted (true) or not (false)

    Returns void

  • evaluate(currentFrame: number): any
  • Evaluate the animation value at a given frame


    • currentFrame: number

      defines the frame where we want to evaluate the animation

    Returns any

    the animation value

  • floatInterpolateFunction(startValue: number, endValue: number, gradient: number): number
  • Interpolates a scalar linearly


    • startValue: number

      Start value of the animation curve

    • endValue: number

      End value of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate

    Returns number

    Interpolated scalar value

  • floatInterpolateFunctionWithTangents(startValue: number, outTangent: number, endValue: number, inTangent: number, gradient: number): number
  • Interpolates a scalar cubically


    • startValue: number

      Start value of the animation curve

    • outTangent: number

      End tangent of the animation

    • endValue: number

      End value of the animation curve

    • inTangent: number

      Start tangent of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate

    Returns number

    Interpolated scalar value

  • Gets the easing function of the animation

    Returns Nullable<IEasingFunction>

    Easing function of the animation

  • Retrieves all the events from the animation

    Returns AnimationEvent[]

    Events from the animation

  • getHighestFrame(): number
  • Gets the highest frame rate of the animation

    Returns number

    Highest frame rate of the animation

  • Gets the key frames from the animation

    Returns IAnimationKey[]

    The key frames of the animation

  • Gets the animation range by name, or null if not defined


    • name: string

      Name of the animation range

    Returns Nullable<AnimationRange>

    Nullable animation range

  • Defines the function to use to interpolate matrices


    • startValue: Matrix

      defines the start matrix

    • endValue: Matrix

      defines the end matrix

    • gradient: number

      defines the gradient between both matrices

    • Optional result: Matrix

      defines an optional target matrix where to store the interpolation

    Returns Matrix

    the interpolated matrix

  • Interpolates a quaternion using a spherical linear interpolation


    • startValue: Quaternion

      Start value of the animation curve

    • endValue: Quaternion

      End value of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate

    Returns Quaternion

    Interpolated quaternion value

  • Interpolates a quaternion cubically


    • startValue: Quaternion

      Start value of the animation curve

    • outTangent: Quaternion

      End tangent of the animation curve

    • endValue: Quaternion

      End value of the animation curve

    • inTangent: Quaternion

      Start tangent of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate

    Returns Quaternion

    Interpolated quaternion value

  • removeEvents(frame: number): void
  • Remove all events found at the given frame


    • frame: number

      The frame to remove events from

    Returns void

  • serialize(): any
  • Serializes the animation to an object

    Returns any

    Serialized object

  • Sets the easing function of the animation


    Returns void

  • Sets the key frames of the animation


    Returns void

  • sizeInterpolateFunction(startValue: Size, endValue: Size, gradient: number): Size
  • Interpolates a size linearly


    • startValue: Size

      Start value of the animation curve

    • endValue: Size

      End value of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate

    Returns Size

    Interpolated Size value

  • toString(fullDetails?: boolean): string
  • Converts the animation to a string


    • Optional fullDetails: boolean

      support for multiple levels of logging within scene loading

    Returns string

    String form of the animation

  • Interpolates a Vector2 linearly


    • startValue: Vector2

      Start value of the animation curve

    • endValue: Vector2

      End value of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate (value between 0 and 1)

    Returns Vector2

    Interpolated Vector2 value

  • Interpolates a Vector2 cubically


    • startValue: Vector2

      Start value of the animation curve

    • outTangent: Vector2

      End tangent of the animation

    • endValue: Vector2

      End value of the animation curve

    • inTangent: Vector2

      Start tangent of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate (value between 0 and 1)

    Returns Vector2

    Interpolated Vector2 value

  • Interpolates a Vector3 linearly


    • startValue: Vector3

      Start value of the animation curve

    • endValue: Vector3

      End value of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate (value between 0 and 1)

    Returns Vector3

    Interpolated scalar value

  • Interpolates a Vector3 cubically


    • startValue: Vector3

      Start value of the animation curve

    • outTangent: Vector3

      End tangent of the animation

    • endValue: Vector3

      End value of the animation curve

    • inTangent: Vector3

      Start tangent of the animation curve

    • gradient: number

      Scalar amount to interpolate (value between 0 and 1)

    Returns Vector3

    InterpolatedVector3 value

  • AppendSerializedAnimations(source: IAnimatable, destination: any): void
  • Appends the serialized animations from the source animations


    • source: IAnimatable

      Source containing the animations

    • destination: any

      Target to store the animations

    Returns void

  • CreateAndStartAnimation(name: string, target: any, targetProperty: string, framePerSecond: number, totalFrame: number, from: any, to: any, loopMode?: number, easingFunction?: EasingFunction, onAnimationEnd?: (() => void), scene?: Scene): Nullable<Animatable>
  • Create and start an animation on a node


    • name: string

      defines the name of the global animation that will be run on all nodes

    • target: any

      defines the target where the animation will take place

    • targetProperty: string

      defines property to animate

    • framePerSecond: number

      defines the number of frame per second yo use

    • totalFrame: number

      defines the number of frames in total

    • from: any

      defines the initial value

    • to: any

      defines the final value

    • Optional loopMode: number

      defines which loop mode you want to use (off by default)

    • Optional easingFunction: EasingFunction

      defines the easing function to use (linear by default)

    • Optional onAnimationEnd: (() => void)

      defines the callback to call when animation end

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • Optional scene: Scene

      defines the hosting scene

    Returns Nullable<Animatable>

    the animatable created for this animation

  • CreateAndStartHierarchyAnimation(name: string, node: Node, directDescendantsOnly: boolean, targetProperty: string, framePerSecond: number, totalFrame: number, from: any, to: any, loopMode?: number, easingFunction?: EasingFunction, onAnimationEnd?: (() => void)): Nullable<Animatable[]>
  • Create and start an animation on a node and its descendants




    • name: string

      defines the name of the global animation that will be run on all nodes

    • node: Node

      defines the root node where the animation will take place

    • directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      if true only direct descendants will be used, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants will be used

    • targetProperty: string

      defines property to animate

    • framePerSecond: number

      defines the number of frame per second to use

    • totalFrame: number

      defines the number of frames in total

    • from: any

      defines the initial value

    • to: any

      defines the final value

    • Optional loopMode: number

      defines which loop mode you want to use (off by default)

    • Optional easingFunction: EasingFunction

      defines the easing function to use (linear by default)

    • Optional onAnimationEnd: (() => void)

      defines the callback to call when an animation ends (will be called once per node)

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns Nullable<Animatable[]>

    the list of animatables created for all nodes

  • CreateAnimation(property: string, animationType: number, framePerSecond: number, easingFunction: EasingFunction): Animation
  • Sets up an animation


    • property: string

      The property to animate

    • animationType: number

      The animation type to apply

    • framePerSecond: number

      The frames per second of the animation

    • easingFunction: EasingFunction

      The easing function used in the animation

    Returns Animation

    The created animation

  • CreateMergeAndStartAnimation(name: string, node: Node, targetProperty: string, framePerSecond: number, totalFrame: number, from: any, to: any, loopMode?: number, easingFunction?: EasingFunction, onAnimationEnd?: (() => void)): Nullable<Animatable>
  • Creates a new animation, merges it with the existing animations and starts it


    • name: string

      Name of the animation

    • node: Node

      Node which contains the scene that begins the animations

    • targetProperty: string

      Specifies which property to animate

    • framePerSecond: number

      The frames per second of the animation

    • totalFrame: number

      The total number of frames

    • from: any

      The frame at the beginning of the animation

    • to: any

      The frame at the end of the animation

    • Optional loopMode: number

      Specifies the loop mode of the animation

    • Optional easingFunction: EasingFunction

      (Optional) The easing function of the animation, which allow custom mathematical formulas for animations

    • Optional onAnimationEnd: (() => void)

      Callback to run once the animation is complete

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns Nullable<Animatable>

    Nullable animation

  • MakeAnimationAdditive(sourceAnimation: Animation, referenceFrame?: number, range?: string, cloneOriginal?: boolean, clonedName?: string): Animation
  • Convert the keyframes for all animations belonging to the group to be relative to a given reference frame.


    • sourceAnimation: Animation

      defines the Animation containing keyframes to convert

    • Optional referenceFrame: number

      defines the frame that keyframes in the range will be relative to

    • Optional range: string

      defines the name of the AnimationRange belonging to the Animation to convert

    • Optional cloneOriginal: boolean

      defines whether or not to clone the animation and convert the clone or convert the original animation (default is false)

    • Optional clonedName: string

      defines the name of the resulting cloned Animation if cloneOriginal is true

    Returns Animation

    a new Animation if cloneOriginal is true or the original Animation if cloneOriginal is false

  • Parses an animation object and creates an animation


    • parsedAnimation: any

      Parsed animation object

    Returns Animation

    Animation object

  • Creates a new animation or an array of animations from a snippet saved in a remote file


    • name: Nullable<string>

      defines the name of the animation to create (can be null or empty to use the one from the json data)

    • url: string

      defines the url to load from

    Returns Promise<Animation | Animation[]>

    a promise that will resolve to the new animation or an array of animations

  • Creates an animation or an array of animations from a snippet saved by the Inspector


    • snippetId: string

      defines the snippet to load

    Returns Promise<Animation | Animation[]>

    a promise that will resolve to the new animation or a new array of animations

  • Transition property of an host to the target Value


    • property: string

      The property to transition

    • targetValue: any

      The target Value of the property

    • host: any

      The object where the property to animate belongs

    • scene: Scene

      Scene used to run the animation

    • frameRate: number

      Framerate (in frame/s) to use

    • transition: Animation

      The transition type we want to use

    • duration: number

      The duration of the animation, in milliseconds

    • Optional onAnimationEnd: Nullable<(() => void)>

      Callback trigger at the end of the animation

    Returns Nullable<Animatable>

    Nullable animation


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static property
  • Static method

