  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class that defines the default KTX2 decoder options.

This class is useful for providing options to the KTX2 decoder to control how the source data is transcoded.


  • DefaultKTX2DecoderOptions




  • get bypassTranscoders(): undefined | string[]
  • set bypassTranscoders(value: undefined | string[]): void
  • list of transcoders to bypass when looking for a suitable transcoder. The available transcoders are: UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_ASTC UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_BC7 UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_RGBA_UNORM UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_RGBA_SRGB UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_R8_UNORM UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_RG8_UNORM MSCTranscoder

    Returns undefined | string[]

  • list of transcoders to bypass when looking for a suitable transcoder. The available transcoders are: UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_ASTC UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_BC7 UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_RGBA_UNORM UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_RGBA_SRGB UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_R8_UNORM UniversalTranscoder_UASTC_RG8_UNORM MSCTranscoder


    • value: undefined | string[]

    Returns void

  • get forceR8(): undefined | boolean
  • set forceR8(value: undefined | boolean): void
  • force to always use (uncompressed) R8 for transcoded format

    Returns undefined | boolean

  • force to always use (uncompressed) R8 for transcoded format


    • value: undefined | boolean

    Returns void

  • get forceRG8(): undefined | boolean
  • set forceRG8(value: undefined | boolean): void
  • force to always use (uncompressed) RG8 for transcoded format

    Returns undefined | boolean

  • force to always use (uncompressed) RG8 for transcoded format


    • value: undefined | boolean

    Returns void

  • get forceRGBA(): undefined | boolean
  • set forceRGBA(value: undefined | boolean): void
  • force to always use (uncompressed) RGBA for transcoded format

    Returns undefined | boolean

  • force to always use (uncompressed) RGBA for transcoded format


    • value: undefined | boolean

    Returns void

  • get isDirty(): boolean
  • Gets the dirty flag

    Returns boolean

  • get useRGBAIfASTCBC7NotAvailableWhenUASTC(): undefined | boolean
  • set useRGBAIfASTCBC7NotAvailableWhenUASTC(value: undefined | boolean): void
  • force a (uncompressed) RGBA transcoded format if transcoding a UASTC source format and ASTC + BC7 are not available as a compressed transcoded format

    Returns undefined | boolean

  • force a (uncompressed) RGBA transcoded format if transcoding a UASTC source format and ASTC + BC7 are not available as a compressed transcoded format


    • value: undefined | boolean

    Returns void

  • get useRGBAIfOnlyBC1BC3AvailableWhenUASTC(): boolean
  • set useRGBAIfOnlyBC1BC3AvailableWhenUASTC(value: boolean): void
  • force a (uncompressed) RGBA transcoded format if transcoding a UASTC source format and only BC1 or BC3 are available as a compressed transcoded format. This property is true by default to favor speed over memory, because currently transcoding from UASTC to BC1/3 is slow because the transcoder transcodes to uncompressed and then recompresses the texture

    Returns boolean

  • force a (uncompressed) RGBA transcoded format if transcoding a UASTC source format and only BC1 or BC3 are available as a compressed transcoded format. This property is true by default to favor speed over memory, because currently transcoding from UASTC to BC1/3 is slow because the transcoder transcodes to uncompressed and then recompresses the texture


    • value: boolean

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

