  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Block used to convert a height vector to a normal





automaticNormalizationNormal: boolean

Defines that the worldNormal input will be normalized by the HeightToNormal block before being used

automaticNormalizationTangent: boolean

Defines that the worldTangent input will be normalized by the HeightToNormal block before being used

comments: string

Gets or sets the comments associated with this block

generateInWorldSpace: boolean

Defines if the output should be generated in world or tangent space. Note that in tangent space the result is also scaled by 0.5 and offsetted by 0.5 so that it can directly be used as a PerturbNormal.normalMapColor input

inputsAreExclusive: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that only one input can be connected at a time

uniqueId: number

Gets or sets the unique id of the node

visibleInInspector: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this input can be edited in the Inspector (false by default)

visibleOnFrame: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this input can be edited from a collapsed frame


  • get buildId(): number
  • set buildId(value: number): void
  • Gets or sets the build Id

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets the build Id


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • Gets the list of input points

    Returns NodeMaterialConnectionPoint[]

  • get isFinalMerger(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating that this block is an end block (e.g. it is generating a system value)

    Returns boolean

  • get isInput(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating that this block is an input (e.g. it sends data to the shader)

    Returns boolean

  • get isUnique(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating that this block can only be used once per NodeMaterial

    Returns boolean

  • get name(): string
  • set name(newName: string): void
  • Gets the name of the block

    Returns string

  • Sets the name of the block. Will check if the name is valid.


    • newName: string

    Returns void

  • Gets the list of output points

    Returns NodeMaterialConnectionPoint[]

  • Gets or sets the target of the block

    Returns NodeMaterialBlockTargets

  • Gets or sets the target of the block


    Returns void

  • get willBeGeneratedIntoVertexShaderFromFragmentShader(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating that the code of this block will be promoted to vertex shader even if connected to fragment output

    Returns boolean


  • _deserialize(serializationObject: any, scene: Scene, rootUrl: string): void
  • Parameters

    • serializationObject: any
    • scene: Scene
    • rootUrl: string

    Returns void

  • Lets the block try to connect some inputs automatically


    Returns void

  • Bind data to effect. Will only be called for blocks with isBindable === true


    • effect: Effect

      defines the effect to bind data to

    • nodeMaterial: NodeMaterial

      defines the hosting NodeMaterial

    • Optional mesh: Mesh

      defines the mesh that will be rendered

    • Optional subMesh: SubMesh

      defines the submesh that will be rendered

    Returns void

  • Compile the current node and generate the shader code


    • state: NodeMaterialBuildState

      defines the current compilation state (uniforms, samplers, current string)

    • activeBlocks: NodeMaterialBlock[]

      defines the list of active blocks (i.e. blocks to compile)

    Returns boolean

    true if already built

  • Clone the current block to a new identical block


    • scene: Scene

      defines the hosting scene

    • Optional rootUrl: string

      defines the root URL to use to load textures and relative dependencies

    Returns null | NodeMaterialBlock

    a copy of the current block

  • Connect current block with another block


    • other: NodeMaterialBlock

      defines the block to connect with

    • Optional options: { input?: string; output?: string; outputSwizzle?: string }

      define the various options to help pick the right connections

      • Optional input?: string
      • Optional output?: string
      • Optional outputSwizzle?: string

    Returns undefined | HeightToNormalBlock

    the current block

  • dispose(): void
  • getClassName(): string
  • Initialize the block and prepare the context for build


    Returns void

  • initializeDefines(mesh: AbstractMesh, nodeMaterial: NodeMaterial, defines: NodeMaterialDefines, useInstances?: boolean): void
  • Initialize defines for shader compilation


    • mesh: AbstractMesh

      defines the mesh to be rendered

    • nodeMaterial: NodeMaterial

      defines the node material requesting the update

    • defines: NodeMaterialDefines

      defines the material defines to update

    • Optional useInstances: boolean

      specifies that instances should be used

    Returns void

  • Checks if the current block is an ancestor of a given block


    Returns boolean

    true if block is a descendant

  • Checks if the block is ready


    • mesh: AbstractMesh

      defines the mesh to be rendered

    • nodeMaterial: NodeMaterial

      defines the node material requesting the update

    • defines: NodeMaterialDefines

      defines the material defines to update

    • Optional useInstances: boolean

      specifies that instances should be used

    Returns boolean

    true if the block is ready

  • Update defines for shader compilation


    • mesh: AbstractMesh

      defines the mesh to be rendered

    • nodeMaterial: NodeMaterial

      defines the node material requesting the update

    • defines: NodeMaterialDefines

      defines the material defines to update

    • Optional useInstances: boolean

      specifies that instances should be used

    • Optional subMesh: SubMesh

      defines which submesh to render

    Returns void

  • Function called when a block is declared as repeatable content generator


    • vertexShaderState: NodeMaterialBuildState

      defines the current compilation state for the vertex shader

    • fragmentShaderState: NodeMaterialBuildState

      defines the current compilation state for the fragment shader

    • mesh: AbstractMesh

      defines the mesh to be rendered

    • defines: NodeMaterialDefines

      defines the material defines to update

    Returns void

  • serialize(): any
  • Serializes this block in a JSON representation

    Returns any

  • Add uniforms, samplers and uniform buffers at compilation time


    • state: NodeMaterialBuildState

      defines the state to update

    • nodeMaterial: NodeMaterial

      defines the node material requesting the update

    • defines: NodeMaterialDefines

      defines the material defines to update

    • uniformBuffers: string[]

      defines the list of uniform buffer names

    Returns void

  • validateBlockName(newName: string): boolean
  • Validates the new name for the block node.


    • newName: string

      the new name to be given to the node.

    Returns boolean

    false if the name is a reserve word, else true.


  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

