  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


  • NativePipelineContext





isAsync: boolean

Gets a boolean indicating that this pipeline context is supporting asynchronous creating

isReady: boolean

Gets a boolean indicating that the context is ready to be used (like shaders / pipelines are compiled and ready for instance)

nativeProgram: any


  • _fillEffectInformation(effect: Effect, uniformBuffersNames: {}, uniformsNames: string[], uniforms: {}, samplerList: string[], samplers: {}, attributesNames: string[], attributes: number[]): void
  • Parameters

    • effect: Effect
    • uniformBuffersNames: {}
      • [key: string]: number
    • uniformsNames: string[]
    • uniforms: {}
      • [key: string]: Nullable<WebGLUniformLocation>
    • samplerList: string[]
    • samplers: {}
      • [key: string]: number
    • attributesNames: string[]
    • attributes: number[]

    Returns void

  • _getFragmentShaderCode(): null | string
  • Returns null | string

  • _getVertexShaderCode(): null | string
  • Returns null | string

  • _handlesSpectorRebuildCallback(onCompiled: ((compiledObject: any) => void)): void
  • Parameters

    • onCompiled: ((compiledObject: any) => void)
        • (compiledObject: any): void
        • Parameters

          • compiledObject: any

          Returns void

    Returns void

  • dispose(): void
  • Release all associated resources.

    Returns void

  • setArray(uniformName: string, array: number[]): void
  • Sets an array on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: number[]

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setArray2(uniformName: string, array: number[]): void
  • Sets an array 2 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4] will result in [[1,2],[3,4]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: number[]

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setArray3(uniformName: string, array: number[]): void
  • Sets an array 3 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4,5,6] will result in [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: number[]

      array to be set.

    Returns void

    this effect.

  • setArray4(uniformName: string, array: number[]): void
  • Sets an array 4 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] will result in [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: number[]

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setBool(uniformName: string, bool: boolean): void
  • Sets a boolean on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • bool: boolean

      value to be set.

    Returns void

  • setColor3(uniformName: string, color3: IColor3Like): void
  • Sets a Color3 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • color3: IColor3Like

      Value to be set.

    Returns void

  • setColor4(uniformName: string, color3: IColor3Like, alpha: number): void
  • Sets a Color4 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • color3: IColor3Like

      Value to be set.

    • alpha: number

      Alpha value to be set.

    Returns void

  • setDirectColor4(uniformName: string, color4: IColor4Like): void
  • Sets a Color4 on a uniform variable


    • uniformName: string

      defines the name of the variable

    • color4: IColor4Like

      defines the value to be set

    Returns void

  • setFloat(uniformName: string, value: number): void
  • Sets a float on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • value: number

      value to be set.

    Returns void

    this effect.

  • setFloat2(uniformName: string, x: number, y: number): void
  • Sets a float2 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • x: number

      First float in float2.

    • y: number

      Second float in float2.

    Returns void

  • setFloat3(uniformName: string, x: number, y: number, z: number): void
  • Sets a float3 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • x: number

      First float in float3.

    • y: number

      Second float in float3.

    • z: number

      Third float in float3.

    Returns void

  • setFloat4(uniformName: string, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): void
  • Sets a float4 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • x: number

      First float in float4.

    • y: number

      Second float in float4.

    • z: number

      Third float in float4.

    • w: number

      Fourth float in float4.

    Returns void

    this effect.

  • setFloatArray(uniformName: string, array: Float32Array): void
  • Sets an float array on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Float32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setFloatArray2(uniformName: string, array: Float32Array): void
  • Sets an float array 2 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4] will result in [[1,2],[3,4]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Float32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setFloatArray3(uniformName: string, array: Float32Array): void
  • Sets an float array 3 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4,5,6] will result in [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Float32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setFloatArray4(uniformName: string, array: Float32Array): void
  • Sets an float array 4 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] will result in [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Float32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setInt(uniformName: string, value: number): void
  • Sets an integer value on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • value: number

      Value to be set.

    Returns void

  • setInt2(uniformName: string, x: number, y: number): void
  • Sets a int2 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • x: number

      First int in int2.

    • y: number

      Second int in int2.

    Returns void

  • setInt3(uniformName: string, x: number, y: number, z: number): void
  • Sets a int3 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • x: number

      First int in int3.

    • y: number

      Second int in int3.

    • z: number

      Third int in int3.

    Returns void

  • setInt4(uniformName: string, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): void
  • Sets a int4 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • x: number

      First int in int4.

    • y: number

      Second int in int4.

    • z: number

      Third int in int4.

    • w: number

      Fourth int in int4.

    Returns void

  • setIntArray(uniformName: string, array: Int32Array): void
  • Sets an int array on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Int32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setIntArray2(uniformName: string, array: Int32Array): void
  • Sets an int array 2 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4] will result in [[1,2],[3,4]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Int32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setIntArray3(uniformName: string, array: Int32Array): void
  • Sets an int array 3 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4,5,6] will result in [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Int32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setIntArray4(uniformName: string, array: Int32Array): void
  • Sets an int array 4 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] will result in [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Int32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setMatrices(uniformName: string, matrices: Float32Array): void
  • Sets matrices on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • matrices: Float32Array

      matrices to be set.

    Returns void

  • setMatrix(uniformName: string, matrix: IMatrixLike): void
  • Sets matrix on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • matrix: IMatrixLike

      matrix to be set.

    Returns void

  • setMatrix2x2(uniformName: string, matrix: Float32Array): void
  • Sets a 2x2 matrix on a uniform variable. (Specified as [1,2,3,4] will result in [1,2][3,4] matrix)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • matrix: Float32Array

      matrix to be set.

    Returns void

  • setMatrix3x3(uniformName: string, matrix: Float32Array): void
  • Sets a 3x3 matrix on a uniform variable. (Specified as [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] will result in [1,2,3][4,5,6][7,8,9] matrix)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • matrix: Float32Array

      matrix to be set.

    Returns void

  • Sets a Quaternion on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • quaternion: IQuaternionLike

      Value to be set.

    Returns void

  • setUInt(uniformName: string, value: number): void
  • Sets an unsigned integer value on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • value: number

      Value to be set.

    Returns void

  • setUInt2(uniformName: string, x: number, y: number): void
  • Sets a unsigned int2 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • x: number

      First unsigned int in uint2.

    • y: number

      Second unsigned int in uint2.

    Returns void

  • setUInt3(uniformName: string, x: number, y: number, z: number): void
  • Sets a unsigned int3 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • x: number

      First unsigned int in uint3.

    • y: number

      Second unsigned int in uint3.

    • z: number

      Third unsigned int in uint3.

    Returns void

  • setUInt4(uniformName: string, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): void
  • Sets a unsigned int4 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • x: number

      First unsigned int in uint4.

    • y: number

      Second unsigned int in uint4.

    • z: number

      Third unsigned int in uint4.

    • w: number

      Fourth unsigned int in uint4.

    Returns void

  • setUIntArray(uniformName: string, array: Uint32Array): void
  • Sets an unsigned int array on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Uint32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setUIntArray2(uniformName: string, array: Uint32Array): void
  • Sets an unsigned int array 2 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4] will result in [[1,2],[3,4]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Uint32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setUIntArray3(uniformName: string, array: Uint32Array): void
  • Sets an unsigned int array 3 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4,5,6] will result in [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Uint32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setUIntArray4(uniformName: string, array: Uint32Array): void
  • Sets an unsigned int array 4 on a uniform variable. (Array is specified as single array eg. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] will result in [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]] in the shader)


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • array: Uint32Array

      array to be set.

    Returns void

  • setVector2(uniformName: string, vector2: IVector2Like): void
  • Sets a Vector2 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • vector2: IVector2Like

      vector2 to be set.

    Returns void

  • setVector3(uniformName: string, vector3: IVector3Like): void
  • Sets a Vector3 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • vector3: IVector3Like

      Value to be set.

    Returns void

  • setVector4(uniformName: string, vector4: IVector4Like): void
  • Sets a Vector4 on a uniform variable.


    • uniformName: string

      Name of the variable.

    • vector4: IVector4Like

      Value to be set.

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

