  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Defines a connection point to be used for points with a custom object type

Type Parameters





acceptedConnectionPointTypes: NodeMaterialBlockConnectionPointTypes[]

Gets or sets the additional types supported by this connection point

define: string

Gets or sets a string indicating that this uniform must be defined under a #ifdef

displayName: string

Gets or sets the connection point name

excludedConnectionPointTypes: NodeMaterialBlockConnectionPointTypes[]

Gets or sets the additional types excluded by this connection point

exposedPortPosition: number

Gets or sets number indicating the position that the port is exposed to on a frame

isExposedOnFrame: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this connection point is exposed on a frame

isOptional: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this connection point can be omitted

name: string

Gets or sets the connection point name

needDualDirectionValidation: boolean

Indicates that this connection point needs dual validation before being connected to another point

onConnectionObservable: Observable<NodeMaterialConnectionPoint>

Observable triggered when this point is connected


  • get associatedVariableName(): string
  • set associatedVariableName(value: string): void
  • Gets or sets the associated variable name in the shader

    Returns string

  • Gets or sets the associated variable name in the shader


    • value: string

    Returns void

  • Gets a the connected input block (if any)

    Returns Nullable<InputBlock>

  • Get the block connected on the endpoints of this connection (if any)

    Returns NodeMaterialBlock[]

  • Get the other side of the connection (if any)

    Returns Nullable<NodeMaterialConnectionPoint>

  • Gets the list of connected endpoints

    Returns NodeMaterialConnectionPoint[]

  • get hasEndpoints(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if that output point is connected to at least one input

    Returns boolean

  • Get the inner type (ie AutoDetect for instance instead of the inferred one)

    Returns NodeMaterialBlockConnectionPointTypes

  • get isConnected(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating that the current point is connected to another NodeMaterialBlock

    Returns boolean

  • get isConnectedInFragmentShader(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating that this connection will be used in the fragment shader

    Returns boolean

  • get isConnectedInVertexShader(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating that this connection will be used in the vertex shader

    Returns boolean

  • get isConnectedToInputBlock(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating that the current point is connected to an input block

    Returns boolean

  • get isDirectlyConnectedToVertexOutput(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating that this connection has a path to the vertex output

    Returns boolean

  • Get the block that owns this connection point

    Returns NodeMaterialBlock

  • Get the block connected on the other side of this connection (if any)

    Returns Nullable<NodeMaterialBlock>

  • Gets or sets the target of that connection point

    Returns NodeMaterialBlockTargets

  • Gets or sets the target of that connection point


    Returns void

  • Gets or sets the connection point type (default is float)

    Returns NodeMaterialBlockConnectionPointTypes

  • Gets or sets the connection point type (default is float)


    Returns void


  • addExcludedConnectionPointFromAllowedTypes(mask: number): void
  • Fill the list of excluded connection point types with all types other than those passed in the parameter


    • mask: number

      Types (ORed values of NodeMaterialBlockConnectionPointTypes) that are allowed, and thus will not be pushed to the excluded list

    Returns void

  • Creates a block suitable to be used as an input for this input point. If null is returned, a block based on the point type will be created.

    Returns Nullable<[NodeMaterialBlock, string]>

    The returned string parameter is the name of the output point of NodeMaterialBlock (first parameter of the returned array) that can be connected to the input

  • dispose(): void
  • getClassName(): string
  • serialize(isInput?: boolean): any
  • Serializes this point in a JSON representation


    • Optional isInput: boolean

      defines if the connection point is an input (default is true)

    Returns any

    the serialized point object

  • AreEquivalentTypes(type1: number, type2: number): boolean
  • Checks if two types are equivalent


    • type1: number

      type 1 to check

    • type2: number

      type 2 to check

    Returns boolean

    true if both types are equivalent, else false


  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

