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Physics material class Helps setting friction and restitution that are used to compute responding forces in collision response


  • PhysicsMaterial



  • Constructor of the physics material.


    • friction: number

      The friction of the material.

    • restitution: number

      The restitution of the material.

    • scene: Scene

      The scene to which the physics engine belongs.

      This code is useful for initializing the physics material with the given friction, restitution and scene. It also checks if the physics engine and plugin are available and if the plugin version is correct. If all conditions are met, it initializes the material with the physics plugin.

    Returns PhysicsMaterial


_pluginData: any

V2 Physics plugin private data for a physics material


  • dispose(): void
  • Disposes the material.

    This method is useful for cleaning up the material when it is no longer needed. It calls the disposeMaterial method of the physics plugin, which is responsible for disposing the material and freeing up any resources associated with it. This ensures that the material is properly disposed of and does not cause any memory leaks.

    Returns void

  • getFriction(): number
  • Gets the friction of the physics engine.

    Returns number

    The friction of the physics engine.

    This method is useful for getting the friction of the physics engine, which is used to calculate the force of friction between two objects. Knowing the friction of the engine can help to accurately simulate the physical behavior of objects in the engine.

  • getRestitution(): number
  • Gets the restitution of the physics engine.

    Returns number

    The restitution of the physics engine.

    This method is useful for retrieving the restitution of the physics engine, which is the amount of energy that is preserved after two objects collide. Knowing the restitution of the physics engine can help to accurately simulate the behavior of objects in the physics engine.

  • setFriction(friction: number): void
  • Sets the friction of the physics engine.


    • friction: number

      The friction to set.

      This method is useful for setting the friction of the physics engine, which is important for simulating realistic physics. The friction determines how much an object will slow down when it is in contact with another object. This is important for simulating realistic physics, such as when an object slides across a surface.

    Returns void

  • setRestitution(restitution: number): void
  • Sets the restitution of the physics body.


    • restitution: number

      A number between 0 and 1 that represents the restitution of the body.

      This method is useful for setting the restitution of a physics body, which is the amount of energy that is retained after a collision. A restitution of 0 means that no energy is retained, while a restitution of 1 means that all energy is retained. Setting the restitution of a body can help to create realistic physics simulations.

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

