  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

This class contains the various kinds of data on every vertex of a mesh used in determining its shape and appearance


  • VertexData




An array of the r, g, b, a, color of each vertex [...., r, g, b, a, .....]

An array of i, j, k the three vertex indices required for each triangular facet [...., i, j, k .....]

matricesIndices: Nullable<FloatArray>

An array containing the list of indices to the array of matrices produced by bones, each vertex have up to 4 indices (8 if the matricesIndicesExtra is set).

matricesIndicesExtra: Nullable<FloatArray>

An array extending the number of possible indices

matricesWeights: Nullable<FloatArray>

An array containing the list of weights defining the weight of each indexed matrix in the final computation

matricesWeightsExtra: Nullable<FloatArray>

An array extending the number of possible weights when the number of indices is extended

An array of the x, y, z normal vector of each vertex [...., x, y, z, .....]

positions: Nullable<FloatArray>

An array of the x, y, z position of each vertex [...., x, y, z, .....]

tangents: Nullable<FloatArray>

An array of the x, y, z tangent vector of each vertex [...., x, y, z, .....]

An array of u,v which maps a texture image onto each vertex [...., u, v, .....]

A second array of u,v which maps a texture image onto each vertex [...., u, v, .....]

A third array of u,v which maps a texture image onto each vertex [...., u, v, .....]

A fourth array of u,v which maps a texture image onto each vertex [...., u, v, .....]

A fifth array of u,v which maps a texture image onto each vertex [...., u, v, .....]

A sixth array of u,v which maps a texture image onto each vertex [...., u, v, .....]


Mesh side orientation : usually the internal or back surface


Mesh side orientation : by default, FRONTSIDE


Mesh side orientation : both internal and external or front and back surfaces


Mesh side orientation : usually the external or front surface


  • Associates the vertexData to the passed Geometry. Sets it as updatable or not (default false)


    • geometry: Geometry

      the geometry the vertexData is applied to

    • Optional updatable: boolean

      when used and having the value true allows new data to update the vertexData

    Returns VertexData


  • Associates the vertexData to the passed Mesh. Sets it as updatable or not (default false)


    • mesh: Mesh

      the mesh the vertexData is applied to

    • Optional updatable: boolean

      when used and having the value true allows new data to update the vertexData

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData

  • Merges the passed VertexData into the current one


    • others: VertexData | VertexData[]

      the VertexData to be merged into the current one

    • Optional use32BitsIndices: boolean

      defines a boolean indicating if indices must be store in a 32 bits array

    • Optional forceCloneIndices: boolean

      defines a boolean indicating if indices are forced to be cloned

    Returns VertexData

    the modified VertexData

  • serialize(): any
  • Serializes the VertexData

    Returns any

    a serialized object

  • Uses the passed data array to set the set the values for the specified kind of data


    • data: FloatArray

      a linear array of floating numbers

    • kind: string

      the type of data that is being set, eg positions, colors etc

    Returns void

  • Transforms each position and each normal of the vertexData according to the passed Matrix


    • matrix: Matrix

      the transforming matrix

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData

  • Updates the associated geometry


    • geometry: Geometry

      the geometry to be updated

    Returns VertexData


  • Updates the associated mesh


    • mesh: Mesh

      the mesh to be updated

    Returns VertexData


  • ComputeNormals(positions: any, indices: any, normals: any, options?: { bInfo?: any; bbSize?: Vector3; depthSort?: boolean; depthSortedFacets?: any; distanceTo?: Vector3; facetNormals?: any; facetPartitioning?: any; facetPositions?: any; ratio?: number; subDiv?: any; useRightHandedSystem?: boolean }): void
  • Compute normals for given positions and indices


    • positions: any

      an array of vertex positions, [...., x, y, z, ......]

    • indices: any

      an array of indices in groups of three for each triangular facet, [...., i, j, k, ......]

    • normals: any

      an array of vertex normals, [...., x, y, z, ......]

    • Optional options: { bInfo?: any; bbSize?: Vector3; depthSort?: boolean; depthSortedFacets?: any; distanceTo?: Vector3; facetNormals?: any; facetPartitioning?: any; facetPositions?: any; ratio?: number; subDiv?: any; useRightHandedSystem?: boolean }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the TorusKnot, optional

      • facetNormals : optional array of facet normals (vector3)
      • facetPositions : optional array of facet positions (vector3)
      • facetPartitioning : optional partitioning array. facetPositions is required for facetPartitioning computation
      • ratio : optional partitioning ratio / bounding box, required for facetPartitioning computation
      • bInfo : optional bounding info, required for facetPartitioning computation
      • bbSize : optional bounding box size data, required for facetPartitioning computation
      • subDiv : optional partitioning data about subdivisions on each axis (int), required for facetPartitioning computation
      • useRightHandedSystem: optional boolean to for right handed system computation
      • depthSort : optional boolean to enable the facet depth sort computation
      • distanceTo : optional Vector3 to compute the facet depth from this location
      • depthSortedFacets : optional array of depthSortedFacets to store the facet distances from the reference location
      • Optional bInfo?: any
      • Optional bbSize?: Vector3
      • Optional depthSort?: boolean
      • Optional depthSortedFacets?: any
      • Optional distanceTo?: Vector3
      • Optional facetNormals?: any
      • Optional facetPartitioning?: any
      • Optional facetPositions?: any
      • Optional ratio?: number
      • Optional subDiv?: any
      • Optional useRightHandedSystem?: boolean

    Returns void

  • CreateBox(options: { backUVs?: Vector4; depth?: number; faceColors?: Color4[]; faceUV?: Vector4[]; frontUVs?: Vector4; height?: number; sideOrientation?: number; size?: number; width?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a box


    Please use CreateBoxVertexData from the BoxBuilder file instead


    • options: { backUVs?: Vector4; depth?: number; faceColors?: Color4[]; faceUV?: Vector4[]; frontUVs?: Vector4; height?: number; sideOrientation?: number; size?: number; width?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the box, required but can be empty

      • size sets the width, height and depth of the box to the value of size, optional default 1
      • width sets the width (x direction) of the box, overwrites the width set by size, optional, default size
      • height sets the height (y direction) of the box, overwrites the height set by size, optional, default size
      • depth sets the depth (z direction) of the box, overwrites the depth set by size, optional, default size
      • faceUV an array of 6 Vector4 elements used to set different images to each box side
      • faceColors an array of 6 Color3 elements used to set different colors to each box side
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional depth?: number
      • Optional faceColors?: Color4[]
      • Optional faceUV?: Vector4[]
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional height?: number
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional size?: number
      • Optional width?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the box

  • CreateCylinder(options: { arc?: number; backUVs?: Vector4; diameter?: number; diameterBottom?: number; diameterTop?: number; enclose?: boolean; faceColors?: Color4[]; faceUV?: Vector4[]; frontUVs?: Vector4; hasRings?: boolean; height?: number; sideOrientation?: number; subdivisions?: number; tessellation?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a cylinder, cone or prism


    please use CreateCylinderVertexData instead


    • options: { arc?: number; backUVs?: Vector4; diameter?: number; diameterBottom?: number; diameterTop?: number; enclose?: boolean; faceColors?: Color4[]; faceUV?: Vector4[]; frontUVs?: Vector4; hasRings?: boolean; height?: number; sideOrientation?: number; subdivisions?: number; tessellation?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the box, required but can be empty

      • height sets the height (y direction) of the cylinder, optional, default 2
      • diameterTop sets the diameter of the top of the cone, overwrites diameter, optional, default diameter
      • diameterBottom sets the diameter of the bottom of the cone, overwrites diameter, optional, default diameter
      • diameter sets the diameter of the top and bottom of the cone, optional default 1
      • tessellation the number of prism sides, 3 for a triangular prism, optional, default 24
      • subdivisions` the number of rings along the cylinder height, optional, default 1
      • arc a number from 0 to 1, to create an unclosed cylinder based on the fraction of the circumference given by the arc value, optional, default 1
      • faceColors an array of Color3 elements used to set different colors to the top, rings and bottom respectively
      • faceUV an array of Vector4 elements used to set different images to the top, rings and bottom respectively
      • hasRings when true makes each subdivision independently treated as a face for faceUV and faceColors, optional, default false
      • enclose when true closes an open cylinder by adding extra flat faces between the height axis and vertical edges, think cut cake
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • Optional arc?: number
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional diameter?: number
      • Optional diameterBottom?: number
      • Optional diameterTop?: number
      • Optional enclose?: boolean
      • Optional faceColors?: Color4[]
      • Optional faceUV?: Vector4[]
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional hasRings?: boolean
      • Optional height?: number
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional subdivisions?: number
      • Optional tessellation?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the cylinder, cone or prism

  • CreateDashedLines(options: { dashNb?: number; dashSize?: number; gapSize?: number; points: Vector3[] }): VertexData
  • Create the VertexData for a DashedLines


    use CreateDashedLinesVertexData instead


    • options: { dashNb?: number; dashSize?: number; gapSize?: number; points: Vector3[] }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the DashedLines, required but can be empty

      • points an array successive Vector3
      • dashSize the size of the dashes relative to the dash number, optional, default 3
      • gapSize the size of the gap between two successive dashes relative to the dash number, optional, default 1
      • dashNb the intended total number of dashes, optional, default 200
      • Optional dashNb?: number
      • Optional dashSize?: number
      • Optional gapSize?: number
      • points: Vector3[]

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData for the DashedLines

  • CreateDisc(options: { arc?: number; backUVs?: Vector4; frontUVs?: Vector4; radius?: number; sideOrientation?: number; tessellation?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData of the Disc or regular Polygon


    use CreateDiscVertexData instead


    • options: { arc?: number; backUVs?: Vector4; frontUVs?: Vector4; radius?: number; sideOrientation?: number; tessellation?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the disc, required but can be empty

      • radius the radius of the disc, optional default 0.5
      • tessellation the number of polygon sides, optional, default 64
      • arc a number from 0 to 1, to create an unclosed polygon based on the fraction of the circumference given by the arc value, optional, default 1
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • Optional arc?: number
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional radius?: number
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional tessellation?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the box

  • CreateGround(options: { height?: number; subdivisions?: number; subdivisionsX?: number; subdivisionsY?: number; width?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a Ground


    Please use CreateGroundVertexData instead


    • options: { height?: number; subdivisions?: number; subdivisionsX?: number; subdivisionsY?: number; width?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the Ground, required but can be empty

      • width the width (x direction) of the ground, optional, default 1
      • height the height (z direction) of the ground, optional, default 1
      • subdivisions the number of subdivisions per side, optional, default 1
      • Optional height?: number
      • Optional subdivisions?: number
      • Optional subdivisionsX?: number
      • Optional subdivisionsY?: number
      • Optional width?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the Ground

  • CreateGroundFromHeightMap(options: { alphaFilter: number; buffer: Uint8Array; bufferHeight: number; bufferWidth: number; colorFilter: Color3; height: number; maxHeight: number; minHeight: number; subdivisions: number; width: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData of the Ground designed from a heightmap


    use CreateGroundFromHeightMapVertexData instead


    • options: { alphaFilter: number; buffer: Uint8Array; bufferHeight: number; bufferWidth: number; colorFilter: Color3; height: number; maxHeight: number; minHeight: number; subdivisions: number; width: number }

      an object used to set the following parameters for the Ground, required and provided by CreateGroundFromHeightMap

      • width the width (x direction) of the ground
      • height the height (z direction) of the ground
      • subdivisions the number of subdivisions per side
      • minHeight the minimum altitude on the ground, optional, default 0
      • maxHeight the maximum altitude on the ground, optional default 1
      • colorFilter the filter to apply to the image pixel colors to compute the height, optional Color3, default (0.3, 0.59, 0.11)
      • buffer the array holding the image color data
      • bufferWidth the width of image
      • bufferHeight the height of image
      • alphaFilter Remove any data where the alpha channel is below this value, defaults 0 (all data visible)
      • alphaFilter: number
      • buffer: Uint8Array
      • bufferHeight: number
      • bufferWidth: number
      • colorFilter: Color3
      • height: number
      • maxHeight: number
      • minHeight: number
      • subdivisions: number
      • width: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the Ground designed from a heightmap

  • CreateIcoSphere(options: { backUVs?: Vector4; flat?: boolean; frontUVs?: Vector4; radius?: number; radiusX?: number; radiusY?: number; radiusZ?: number; sideOrientation?: number; subdivisions?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData of the IcoSphere


    use CreateIcoSphereVertexData instead


    • options: { backUVs?: Vector4; flat?: boolean; frontUVs?: Vector4; radius?: number; radiusX?: number; radiusY?: number; radiusZ?: number; sideOrientation?: number; subdivisions?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the IcoSphere, required but can be empty

      • radius the radius of the IcoSphere, optional default 1
      • radiusX allows stretching in the x direction, optional, default radius
      • radiusY allows stretching in the y direction, optional, default radius
      • radiusZ allows stretching in the z direction, optional, default radius
      • flat when true creates a flat shaded mesh, optional, default true
      • subdivisions increasing the subdivisions increases the number of faces, optional, default 4
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional flat?: boolean
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional radius?: number
      • Optional radiusX?: number
      • Optional radiusY?: number
      • Optional radiusZ?: number
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional subdivisions?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the IcoSphere

  • Creates the VertexData of the LineSystem


    use CreateLineSystemVertexData instead


    • options: { colors?: Nullable<Color4[][]>; lines: Vector3[][] }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the LineSystem, required but can be empty

      • lines an array of lines, each line being an array of successive Vector3
      • colors an array of line colors, each of the line colors being an array of successive Color4, one per line point

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the LineSystem

  • CreatePlane(options: { backUVs?: Vector4; frontUVs?: Vector4; height?: number; sideOrientation?: number; size?: number; width?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a Plane


    use CreatePlaneVertexData instead


    • options: { backUVs?: Vector4; frontUVs?: Vector4; height?: number; sideOrientation?: number; size?: number; width?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the plane, required but can be empty

      • size sets the width and height of the plane to the value of size, optional default 1
      • width sets the width (x direction) of the plane, overwrites the width set by size, optional, default size
      • height sets the height (y direction) of the plane, overwrites the height set by size, optional, default size
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional height?: number
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional size?: number
      • Optional width?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the box

  • Creates the VertexData for an irregular Polygon in the XoZ plane using a mesh built by polygonTriangulation.build() All parameters are provided by CreatePolygon as needed


    use CreatePolygonVertexData instead


    • polygon: Mesh

      a mesh built from polygonTriangulation.build()

    • sideOrientation: number

      takes the values Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

    • Optional fUV: Vector4[]

      an array of Vector4 elements used to set different images to the top, rings and bottom respectively

    • Optional fColors: Color4[]

      an array of Color3 elements used to set different colors to the top, rings and bottom respectively

    • Optional frontUVs: Vector4

      only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)

    • Optional backUVs: Vector4

      only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)

    • Optional wrap: boolean

      a boolean, default false, when true and fUVs used texture is wrapped around all sides, when false texture is applied side

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the Polygon

  • CreatePolyhedron(options: { backUVs?: Vector4; custom?: any; faceColors?: Color4[]; faceUV?: Vector4[]; flat?: boolean; frontUVs?: Vector4; sideOrientation?: number; size?: number; sizeX?: number; sizeY?: number; sizeZ?: number; type?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a Polyhedron


    use CreatePolyhedronVertexData instead


    • options: { backUVs?: Vector4; custom?: any; faceColors?: Color4[]; faceUV?: Vector4[]; flat?: boolean; frontUVs?: Vector4; sideOrientation?: number; size?: number; sizeX?: number; sizeY?: number; sizeZ?: number; type?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the polyhedron, required but can be empty

      • type provided types are:
      • 0 : Tetrahedron, 1 : Octahedron, 2 : Dodecahedron, 3 : Icosahedron, 4 : Rhombicuboctahedron, 5 : Triangular Prism, 6 : Pentagonal Prism, 7 : Hexagonal Prism, 8 : Square Pyramid (J1)
      • 9 : Pentagonal Pyramid (J2), 10 : Triangular Dipyramid (J12), 11 : Pentagonal Dipyramid (J13), 12 : Elongated Square Dipyramid (J15), 13 : Elongated Pentagonal Dipyramid (J16), 14 : Elongated Pentagonal Cupola (J20)
      • size the size of the IcoSphere, optional default 1
      • sizeX allows stretching in the x direction, optional, default size
      • sizeY allows stretching in the y direction, optional, default size
      • sizeZ allows stretching in the z direction, optional, default size
      • custom a number that overwrites the type to create from an extended set of polyhedron from https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#21QRSK#15 with minimised editor
      • faceUV an array of Vector4 elements used to set different images to the top, rings and bottom respectively
      • faceColors an array of Color3 elements used to set different colors to the top, rings and bottom respectively
      • flat when true creates a flat shaded mesh, optional, default true
      • subdivisions increasing the subdivisions increases the number of faces, optional, default 4
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional custom?: any
      • Optional faceColors?: Color4[]
      • Optional faceUV?: Vector4[]
      • Optional flat?: boolean
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional size?: number
      • Optional sizeX?: number
      • Optional sizeY?: number
      • Optional sizeZ?: number
      • Optional type?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the Polyhedron

  • CreateRibbon(options: { backUVs?: Vector4; closeArray?: boolean; closePath?: boolean; colors?: Color4[]; frontUVs?: Vector4; invertUV?: boolean; offset?: number; pathArray: Vector3[][]; sideOrientation?: number; uvs?: Vector2[] }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a Ribbon


    use CreateRibbonVertexData instead


    • options: { backUVs?: Vector4; closeArray?: boolean; closePath?: boolean; colors?: Color4[]; frontUVs?: Vector4; invertUV?: boolean; offset?: number; pathArray: Vector3[][]; sideOrientation?: number; uvs?: Vector2[] }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the ribbon, required but can be empty

      • pathArray array of paths, each of which an array of successive Vector3
      • closeArray creates a seam between the first and the last paths of the pathArray, optional, default false
      • closePath creates a seam between the first and the last points of each path of the path array, optional, default false
      • offset a positive integer, only used when pathArray contains a single path (offset = 10 means the point 1 is joined to the point 11), default rounded half size of the pathArray length
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • invertUV swaps in the U and V coordinates when applying a texture, optional, default false
      • uvs a linear array, of length 2 * number of vertices, of custom UV values, optional
      • colors a linear array, of length 4 * number of vertices, of custom color values, optional
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional closeArray?: boolean
      • Optional closePath?: boolean
      • Optional colors?: Color4[]
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional invertUV?: boolean
      • Optional offset?: number
      • pathArray: Vector3[][]
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional uvs?: Vector2[]

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the ribbon

  • CreateSphere(options: { arc?: number; backUVs?: Vector4; diameter?: number; diameterX?: number; diameterY?: number; diameterZ?: number; frontUVs?: Vector4; segments?: number; sideOrientation?: number; slice?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for an ellipsoid, defaults to a sphere


    use CreateSphereVertexData instead


    • options: { arc?: number; backUVs?: Vector4; diameter?: number; diameterX?: number; diameterY?: number; diameterZ?: number; frontUVs?: Vector4; segments?: number; sideOrientation?: number; slice?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the box, required but can be empty

      • segments sets the number of horizontal strips optional, default 32
      • diameter sets the axes dimensions, diameterX, diameterY and diameterZ to the value of diameter, optional default 1
      • diameterX sets the diameterX (x direction) of the ellipsoid, overwrites the diameterX set by diameter, optional, default diameter
      • diameterY sets the diameterY (y direction) of the ellipsoid, overwrites the diameterY set by diameter, optional, default diameter
      • diameterZ sets the diameterZ (z direction) of the ellipsoid, overwrites the diameterZ set by diameter, optional, default diameter
      • arc a number from 0 to 1, to create an unclosed ellipsoid based on the fraction of the circumference (latitude) given by the arc value, optional, default 1
      • slice a number from 0 to 1, to create an unclosed ellipsoid based on the fraction of the height (latitude) given by the arc value, optional, default 1
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • Optional arc?: number
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional diameter?: number
      • Optional diameterX?: number
      • Optional diameterY?: number
      • Optional diameterZ?: number
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional segments?: number
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional slice?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the ellipsoid

  • CreateTiledBox(options: { alignHorizontal?: number; alignVertical?: number; depth?: number; faceColors?: Color4[]; faceUV?: Vector4[]; height?: number; pattern?: number; sideOrientation?: number; tileHeight?: number; tileSize?: number; tileWidth?: number; width?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a tiled box


    Please use CreateTiledBoxVertexData instead


    • options: { alignHorizontal?: number; alignVertical?: number; depth?: number; faceColors?: Color4[]; faceUV?: Vector4[]; height?: number; pattern?: number; sideOrientation?: number; tileHeight?: number; tileSize?: number; tileWidth?: number; width?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the box, required but can be empty

      • faceTiles sets the pattern, tile size and number of tiles for a face
      • faceUV an array of 6 Vector4 elements used to set different images to each box side
      • faceColors an array of 6 Color3 elements used to set different colors to each box side
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • Optional alignHorizontal?: number
      • Optional alignVertical?: number
      • Optional depth?: number
      • Optional faceColors?: Color4[]
      • Optional faceUV?: Vector4[]
      • Optional height?: number
      • Optional pattern?: number
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional tileHeight?: number
      • Optional tileSize?: number
      • Optional tileWidth?: number
      • Optional width?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the box

  • CreateTiledGround(options: { precision?: { h: number; w: number }; subdivisions?: { h: number; w: number }; xmax: number; xmin: number; zmax: number; zmin: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a TiledGround by subdividing the ground into tiles


    use CreateTiledGroundVertexData instead


    • options: { precision?: { h: number; w: number }; subdivisions?: { h: number; w: number }; xmax: number; xmin: number; zmax: number; zmin: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the Ground, required but can be empty

      • xmin the ground minimum X coordinate, optional, default -1
      • zmin the ground minimum Z coordinate, optional, default -1
      • xmax the ground maximum X coordinate, optional, default 1
      • zmax the ground maximum Z coordinate, optional, default 1
      • subdivisions a javascript object {w: positive integer, h: positive integer}, w and h are the numbers of subdivisions on the ground width and height creating 'tiles', default {w: 6, h: 6}
      • precision a javascript object {w: positive integer, h: positive integer}, w and h are the numbers of subdivisions on the tile width and height, default {w: 2, h: 2}
      • Optional precision?: { h: number; w: number }
        • h: number
        • w: number
      • Optional subdivisions?: { h: number; w: number }
        • h: number
        • w: number
      • xmax: number
      • xmin: number
      • zmax: number
      • zmin: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the TiledGround

  • CreateTiledPlane(options: { alignHorizontal?: number; alignVertical?: number; backUVs?: Vector4; frontUVs?: Vector4; height?: number; pattern?: number; sideOrientation?: number; size?: number; tileHeight?: number; tileSize?: number; tileWidth?: number; width?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a tiled plane


    use CreateTiledPlaneVertexData instead


    • options: { alignHorizontal?: number; alignVertical?: number; backUVs?: Vector4; frontUVs?: Vector4; height?: number; pattern?: number; sideOrientation?: number; size?: number; tileHeight?: number; tileSize?: number; tileWidth?: number; width?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the box, required but can be empty

      • pattern a limited pattern arrangement depending on the number
      • tileSize sets the width, height and depth of the tile to the value of size, optional default 1
      • tileWidth sets the width (x direction) of the tile, overwrites the width set by size, optional, default size
      • tileHeight sets the height (y direction) of the tile, overwrites the height set by size, optional, default size
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • Optional alignHorizontal?: number
      • Optional alignVertical?: number
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional height?: number
      • Optional pattern?: number
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional size?: number
      • Optional tileHeight?: number
      • Optional tileSize?: number
      • Optional tileWidth?: number
      • Optional width?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the tiled plane

  • CreateTorus(options: { backUVs?: Vector4; diameter?: number; frontUVs?: Vector4; sideOrientation?: number; tessellation?: number; thickness?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a torus


    use CreateTorusVertexData instead


    • options: { backUVs?: Vector4; diameter?: number; frontUVs?: Vector4; sideOrientation?: number; tessellation?: number; thickness?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the box, required but can be empty

      • diameter the diameter of the torus, optional default 1
      • thickness the diameter of the tube forming the torus, optional default 0.5
      • tessellation the number of prism sides, 3 for a triangular prism, optional, default 24
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional diameter?: number
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional tessellation?: number
      • Optional thickness?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the torus

  • CreateTorusKnot(options: { backUVs?: Vector4; frontUVs?: Vector4; p?: number; q?: number; radialSegments?: number; radius?: number; sideOrientation?: number; tube?: number; tubularSegments?: number }): VertexData
  • Creates the VertexData for a TorusKnot


    use CreateTorusKnotVertexData instead


    • options: { backUVs?: Vector4; frontUVs?: Vector4; p?: number; q?: number; radialSegments?: number; radius?: number; sideOrientation?: number; tube?: number; tubularSegments?: number }

      an object used to set the following optional parameters for the TorusKnot, required but can be empty

      • radius the radius of the torus knot, optional, default 2
      • tube the thickness of the tube, optional, default 0.5
      • radialSegments the number of sides on each tube segments, optional, default 32
      • tubularSegments the number of tubes to decompose the knot into, optional, default 32
      • p the number of windings around the z axis, optional, default 2
      • q the number of windings around the x axis, optional, default 3
      • sideOrientation optional and takes the values : Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), Mesh.BACKSIDE or Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
      • frontUvs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the front side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • backUVs only usable when you create a double-sided mesh, used to choose what parts of the texture image to crop and apply on the back side, optional, default vector4 (0, 0, 1, 1)
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional p?: number
      • Optional q?: number
      • Optional radialSegments?: number
      • Optional radius?: number
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional tube?: number
      • Optional tubularSegments?: number

    Returns VertexData

    the VertexData of the Torus Knot

  • ExtractFromGeometry(geometry: Geometry, copyWhenShared?: boolean, forceCopy?: boolean): VertexData
  • Extracts the vertexData from the geometry


    • geometry: Geometry

      the geometry from which to extract the VertexData

    • Optional copyWhenShared: boolean

      defines if the VertexData must be cloned when the geometry is shared between multiple meshes, optional, default false

    • Optional forceCopy: boolean

      indicating that the VertexData must be cloned, optional, default false

    Returns VertexData

    the object VertexData associated to the passed mesh

  • ExtractFromMesh(mesh: Mesh, copyWhenShared?: boolean, forceCopy?: boolean): VertexData
  • Extracts the vertexData from a mesh


    • mesh: Mesh

      the mesh from which to extract the VertexData

    • Optional copyWhenShared: boolean

      defines if the VertexData must be cloned when shared between multiple meshes, optional, default false

    • Optional forceCopy: boolean

      indicating that the VertexData must be cloned, optional, default false

    Returns VertexData

    the object VertexData associated to the passed mesh

  • ImportVertexData(parsedVertexData: any, geometry: Geometry): void
  • Applies VertexData created from the imported parameters to the geometry


    • parsedVertexData: any

      the parsed data from an imported file

    • geometry: Geometry

      the geometry to apply the VertexData to

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static property
  • Static method

