  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Interface used to describe the capabilities of the engine relatively to the current browser


  • EngineCapabilities



astc: any

Defines if astc texture compression is supported

blendMinMax: boolean

Defines if the blend min max extension is supported

bptc: any

Defines if bptc texture compression is supported

canUseGLInstanceID: boolean

In some iOS + WebGL1, gl_InstanceID (and gl_InstanceIDEXT) is undefined even if instancedArrays is true. So don't use gl_InstanceID in those cases

canUseGLVertexID: boolean

Defines if gl_vertexID is available

canUseTimestampForTimerQuery: boolean

Defines if timestamp can be used with timer query

colorBufferFloat: boolean

Defines if float color buffer are supported

depthTextureExtension: boolean

Defines if depth textures are supported

drawBuffersExtension: boolean

Defines if draw buffers extension is supported

etc1: any

Defines if etc1 texture compression is supported

etc2: any

Defines if etc2 texture compression is supported

fragmentDepthSupported: boolean

Defines if depth reading in the fragment shader is supported

highPrecisionShaderSupported: boolean

Defines if high precision shaders are supported

instancedArrays: boolean

Defines if instancing is supported

maxAnisotropy: number

Gets the maximum level of anisotropy supported

maxCombinedTexturesImageUnits: number

Maximum textures units in the entire pipeline

maxCubemapTextureSize: number

Maximum cube texture size

maxFragmentUniformVectors: number

Maximum number of uniforms per fragment shader

maxMSAASamples: number

Max number of texture samples for MSAA

maxRenderTextureSize: number

Maximum render texture size

maxSamples?: number

Maximum texture samples

maxTextureSize: number

Maximum texture size

maxTexturesImageUnits: number

Maximum textures units per fragment shader

maxVaryingVectors: number

Maximum number of varyings

maxVertexAttribs: number

Maximum number of vertex attributes

maxVertexTextureImageUnits: number

Maximum texture units per vertex shader

maxVertexUniformVectors: number

Maximum number of uniforms per vertex shader

multiview?: any
oculusMultiview?: any
parallelShaderCompile?: { COMPLETION_STATUS_KHR: number }

Function used to let the system compiles shaders in background

Type declaration

pvrtc: any

Defines if pvrtc texture compression is supported

s3tc?: WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc

Defines if s3tc texture compression is supported

s3tc_srgb?: WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb

Defines if s3tc sRGB texture compression is supported

standardDerivatives: boolean

Defines if standard derivatives (dx/dy) are supported

supportComputeShaders: boolean

Defines if compute shaders are supported by the engine

supportOcclusionQuery: boolean

Defines if occlusion queries are supported by the engine

supportSRGBBuffers: boolean

Defines if sRGB texture formats are supported

supportTransformFeedbacks: boolean

Defines if transform feedbacks are supported

texture2DArrayMaxLayerCount: number

Defines the maximum layer count for a 2D Texture array.

textureAnisotropicFilterExtension?: EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic

Gets the webgl extension for anisotropic filtering (null if not supported)

textureFloat: boolean

Defines if float textures are supported

textureFloatLinearFiltering: boolean

Defines if float texture linear filtering is supported

textureFloatRender: boolean

Defines if rendering to float textures is supported

textureHalfFloat: boolean

Defines if half float textures are supported

textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering: boolean

Defines if half float texture linear filtering is supported

textureHalfFloatRender: boolean

Defines if rendering to half float textures is supported

textureLOD: boolean

Defines if textureLOD shader command is supported

textureMaxLevel: boolean

Defines if texture max level are supported

Gets disjoint timer query extension (null if not supported)

uintIndices: boolean

Defines if 32 bits indices are supported

vertexArrayObject: boolean

Defines if vertex array objects are supported


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

