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The interface for the physics aggregate parameters


  • PhysicsAggregateParameters



damping?: number

The collision margin around a soft object

disableBidirectionalTransformation?: boolean

Specifies if bi-directional transformations should be disabled

fixedPoints?: number

The number used to fix points on a cloth (0, 1, 2, 4, 8) or rope (0, 1, 2) only 0 None, 1, back left or top, 2, back right or bottom, 4, front left, 8, front right Add to fix multiple points

friction?: number

The friction of the physics aggregate

ignoreParent?: boolean

Specifies if the parent should be ignored

margin?: number

The collision margin around a soft object

mass: number

The mass of the physics aggregate

nativeOptions?: any

The native options of the physics aggregate

path?: any

The path for a rope based on an extrusion

positionIterations?: number

The number of iterations used in maintaining consistent vertex positions, soft object only

pressure?: number

The pressure inside the physics aggregate, soft object only

restitution?: number

The coefficient of restitution of the physics aggregate

shape?: any

The shape of an extrusion used for a rope based on an extrusion

stiffness?: number

The stiffness the physics aggregate, soft object only

velocityIterations?: number

The number of iterations used in maintaining consistent vertex velocities, soft object only


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

