  • Public
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  • All

This represents a texture coming from an equirectangular image supported by the web browser canvas.




  • new EquiRectangularCubeTexture(url: string, scene: Scene, size: number, noMipmap?: boolean, gammaSpace?: boolean, onLoad?: Nullable<(() => void)>, onError?: Nullable<((message?: string, exception?: any) => void)>): EquiRectangularCubeTexture
  • Instantiates an EquiRectangularCubeTexture from the following parameters.


    • url: string

      The location of the image

    • scene: Scene

      The scene the texture will be used in

    • size: number

      The cubemap desired size (the more it increases the longer the generation will be)

    • Optional noMipmap: boolean

      Forces to not generate the mipmap if true

    • Optional gammaSpace: boolean

      Specifies if the texture will be used in gamma or linear space (the PBR material requires those textures in linear space, but the standard material would require them in Gamma space)

    • Optional onLoad: Nullable<(() => void)>

      — defines a callback called when texture is loaded

    • Optional onError: Nullable<((message?: string, exception?: any) => void)>

      — defines a callback called if there is an error

    Returns EquiRectangularCubeTexture


animations: Animation[]

Define the list of animation attached to the texture.

anisotropicFilteringLevel: number

With compliant hardware and browser (supporting anisotropic filtering) this defines the level of anisotropic filtering in the texture. The higher the better but the slower. This defaults to 4 as it seems to be the best tradeoff.

delayLoadState: number

Define the current state of the loading sequence when in delayed load mode.

invertZ: boolean

Is Z inverted in the texture (useful in a cube texture).

isRenderTarget: boolean

Define if the texture is a render target.

level: number

Intensity or strength of the texture. It is commonly used by materials to fine tune the intensity of the texture

metadata: any

Gets or sets an object used to store user defined information.

name: string

Define the name of the texture.

onDisposeObservable: Observable<BaseTexture>

An event triggered when the texture is disposed.

optimizeUVAllocation: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the texture should try to reduce shader code if there is no UV manipulation. (ie. when texture.getTextureMatrix().isIdentityAs3x2() returns true)

reservedDataStore: any

For internal use only. Please do not use.

sphericalPolynomial: Nullable<SphericalPolynomial>

Get the polynomial representation of the texture data. This is mainly use as a fast way to recover IBL Diffuse irradiance data.



uniqueId: number

Gets or sets the unique id of the texture

url: string

The URL to the image.

wrapR: number

Default anisotropic filtering level for the application. It is set to 4 as a good tradeoff between perf and quality.


  • get canRescale(): boolean
  • Get if the texture can rescale.

    Returns boolean

  • get coordinatesIndex(): number
  • set coordinatesIndex(value: number): void
  • Define the UV channel to use starting from 0 and defaulting to 0. This is part of the texture as textures usually maps to one uv set.

    Returns number

  • Define the UV channel to use starting from 0 and defaulting to 0. This is part of the texture as textures usually maps to one uv set.


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get coordinatesMode(): number
  • set coordinatesMode(value: number): void
  • How a texture is mapped.


    Returns number

  • How a texture is mapped.



    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get errorObject(): undefined | { exception?: any; message?: string }
  • If a loading error occurred this object will be populated with information about the error.

    Returns undefined | { exception?: any; message?: string }

  • get gammaSpace(): boolean
  • set gammaSpace(gamma: boolean): void
  • Define if the texture contains data in gamma space (most of the png/jpg aside bump). HDR texture are usually stored in linear space. This only impacts the PBR and Background materials

    Returns boolean

  • Define if the texture contains data in gamma space (most of the png/jpg aside bump). HDR texture are usually stored in linear space. This only impacts the PBR and Background materials


    • gamma: boolean

    Returns void

  • get getAlphaFromRGB(): boolean
  • set getAlphaFromRGB(value: boolean): void
  • Defines if the alpha value should be determined via the rgb values. If true the luminance of the pixel might be used to find the corresponding alpha value.

    Returns boolean

  • Defines if the alpha value should be determined via the rgb values. If true the luminance of the pixel might be used to find the corresponding alpha value.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get hasAlpha(): boolean
  • set hasAlpha(value: boolean): void
  • Define if the texture is having a usable alpha value (can be use for transparency or glossiness for instance).

    Returns boolean

  • Define if the texture is having a usable alpha value (can be use for transparency or glossiness for instance).


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • In case a better definition than spherical harmonics is required for the diffuse part of the environment. You can set the irradiance texture to rely on a texture instead of the spherical approach. This texture need to have the same characteristics than its parent (Cube vs 2d, coordinates mode, Gamma/Linear, RGBD).

    Returns Nullable<BaseTexture>

  • In case a better definition than spherical harmonics is required for the diffuse part of the environment. You can set the irradiance texture to rely on a texture instead of the spherical approach. This texture need to have the same characteristics than its parent (Cube vs 2d, coordinates mode, Gamma/Linear, RGBD).


    Returns void

  • get is2DArray(): boolean
  • set is2DArray(value: boolean): void
  • Define if the texture is a 2d array texture (webgl 2) or if false a 2d texture.

    Returns boolean

  • Define if the texture is a 2d array texture (webgl 2) or if false a 2d texture.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get is3D(): boolean
  • set is3D(value: boolean): void
  • Define if the texture is a 3d texture (webgl 2) or if false a 2d texture.

    Returns boolean

  • Define if the texture is a 3d texture (webgl 2) or if false a 2d texture.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get isBlocking(): boolean
  • Define if the texture is preventing a material to render or not. If not and the texture is not ready, the engine will use a default black texture instead.

    Returns boolean

  • get isCube(): boolean
  • set isCube(value: boolean): void
  • Define if the texture is a cube texture or if false a 2d texture.

    Returns boolean

  • Define if the texture is a cube texture or if false a 2d texture.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get isRGBD(): boolean
  • set isRGBD(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets whether or not the texture contains RGBD data.

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets whether or not the texture contains RGBD data.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get linearSpecularLOD(): boolean
  • set linearSpecularLOD(value: boolean): void
  • With prefiltered texture, defined if the specular generation is based on a linear ramp. By default we are using a log2 of the linear roughness helping to keep a better resolution for average roughness values.

    Returns boolean

  • With prefiltered texture, defined if the specular generation is based on a linear ramp. By default we are using a log2 of the linear roughness helping to keep a better resolution for average roughness values.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get loadingError(): boolean
  • Was there any loading error?

    Returns boolean

  • get lodGenerationOffset(): number
  • set lodGenerationOffset(value: number): void
  • With prefiltered texture, defined the offset used during the prefiltering steps.

    Returns number

  • With prefiltered texture, defined the offset used during the prefiltering steps.


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get lodGenerationScale(): number
  • set lodGenerationScale(value: number): void
  • With prefiltered texture, defined the scale used during the prefiltering steps.

    Returns number

  • With prefiltered texture, defined the scale used during the prefiltering steps.


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get noMipmap(): boolean
  • Are mip maps generated for this texture or not.

    Returns boolean

  • set onDispose(callback: (() => void)): void
  • Callback triggered when the texture has been disposed. Kept for back compatibility, you can use the onDisposeObservable instead.


    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns void

  • get samplingMode(): number
  • Get the current sampling mode associated with the texture.

    Returns number

  • get textureFormat(): number
  • Get the texture underlying format (RGB, RGBA...)

    Returns number

  • get textureType(): number
  • Get the texture underlying type (INT, FLOAT...)

    Returns number

  • get uid(): string
  • Define the unique id of the texture in the scene.

    Returns string

  • get wrapU(): number
  • set wrapU(value: number): void
  • ValueTypeDescription

    Returns number

  • ValueTypeDescription


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get wrapV(): number
  • set wrapV(value: number): void
  • ValueTypeDescription

    Returns number

  • ValueTypeDescription


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • Checks if the texture has the same transform matrix than another texture


    Returns boolean

    true if the transforms are the same, else false

  • Create a clone of the current EquiRectangularCubeTexture and return it.

    Returns EquiRectangularCubeTexture

    A clone of the current EquiRectangularCubeTexture.

  • delayLoad(): void
  • Triggers the load sequence in delayed load mode.

    Returns void

  • dispose(): void
  • Dispose the texture and release its associated resources.

    Returns void

  • forceSphericalPolynomialsRecompute(): void
  • Force recomputation of spherical polynomials. Can be useful if you generate a cubemap multiple times (from a probe for eg) and you need the proper polynomials each time

    Returns void

  • Get the base size of the texture. It can be different from the size if the texture has been resized for POT for instance

    Returns ISize

    the base size

  • getClassName(): string
  • Get the current class name of the texture useful for serialization or dynamic coding.

    Returns string


  • getReflectionTextureMatrix(): Matrix
  • Get the scene the texture belongs to.

    Returns Nullable<Scene>

    the scene or null if undefined

  • Get the size of the texture.

    Returns ISize

    the texture size.

  • Get the texture transform matrix used to offset tile the texture for instance.

    Returns Matrix

    the transformation matrix

  • isReady(): boolean
  • Get if the texture is ready to be used (downloaded, converted, mip mapped...).

    Returns boolean

    true if fully ready

  • isReadyOrNotBlocking(): boolean
  • Get if the texture is ready to be consumed (either it is ready or it is not blocking)

    Returns boolean

    true if ready, not blocking or if there was an error loading the texture

  • readPixels(faceIndex?: number, level?: number, buffer?: Nullable<ArrayBufferView>, flushRenderer?: boolean, noDataConversion?: boolean, x?: number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number): Nullable<Promise<ArrayBufferView>>
  • Reads the pixels stored in the webgl texture and returns them as an ArrayBuffer. This will returns an RGBA array buffer containing either in values (0-255) or float values (0-1) depending of the underlying buffer type.


    • Optional faceIndex: number

      defines the face of the texture to read (in case of cube texture)

    • Optional level: number

      defines the LOD level of the texture to read (in case of Mip Maps)

    • Optional buffer: Nullable<ArrayBufferView>

      defines a user defined buffer to fill with data (can be null)

    • Optional flushRenderer: boolean

      true to flush the renderer from the pending commands before reading the pixels

    • Optional noDataConversion: boolean

      false to convert the data to Uint8Array (if texture type is UNSIGNED_BYTE) or to Float32Array (if texture type is anything but UNSIGNED_BYTE). If true, the type of the generated buffer (if buffer==null) will depend on the type of the texture

    • Optional x: number

      defines the region x coordinates to start reading from (default to 0)

    • Optional y: number

      defines the region y coordinates to start reading from (default to 0)

    • Optional width: number

      defines the region width to read from (default to the texture size at level)

    • Optional height: number

      defines the region width to read from (default to the texture size at level)

    Returns Nullable<Promise<ArrayBufferView>>

    The Array buffer promise containing the pixels data.

  • releaseInternalTexture(): void
  • Release and destroy the underlying lower level texture aka internalTexture.

    Returns void

  • scale(ratio: number): void
  • Scales the texture if is canRescale()


    • ratio: number

      the resize factor we want to use to rescale

    Returns void

  • serialize(allowEmptyName?: boolean): any
  • Serialize the texture into a JSON representation that can be parsed later on.


    • Optional allowEmptyName: boolean

      True to force serialization even if name is empty. Default: false

    Returns any

    the JSON representation of the texture

  • toString(): string
  • Return a string representation of the texture.

    Returns string

    the texture as a string

  • updateSamplingMode(samplingMode: number): void
  • Update the sampling mode of the texture. Default is Trilinear mode.

    1NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE or NEAREST_NEAREST_MIPLINEARNearest is: mag = nearest, min = nearest, mip = linear
    2BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE or LINEAR_LINEAR_MIPNEARESTBilinear is: mag = linear, min = linear, mip = nearest
    3TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE or LINEAR_LINEAR_MIPLINEARTrilinear is: mag = linear, min = linear, mip = linear

    mag: magnification filter (close to the viewer) min: minification filter (far from the viewer) mip: filter used between mip map levels


    • samplingMode: number

      Define the new sampling mode of the texture

    Returns void

  • WhenAllReady(textures: BaseTexture[], callback: (() => void)): void
  • Helper function to be called back once a list of texture contains only ready textures.


    • textures: BaseTexture[]

      Define the list of textures to wait for

    • callback: (() => void)

      Define the callback triggered once the entire list will be ready

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns void


  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

