  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All








  • Creates a new LinesMesh


    • name: string

      defines the name

    • Optional scene: Nullable<Scene>

      defines the hosting scene

    • Optional parent: Nullable<Node>

      defines the parent mesh if any

    • Optional source: Nullable<LinesMesh>

      defines the optional source LinesMesh used to clone data from

    • Optional doNotCloneChildren: boolean

      When cloning, skip cloning child meshes of source, default False. When false, achieved by calling a clone(), also passing False. This will make creation of children, recursive.

    • Optional useVertexColor: boolean

      defines if this LinesMesh supports vertex color

    • Optional useVertexAlpha: boolean

      defines if this LinesMesh supports vertex alpha

    • Optional material: Material

      material to use to draw the line. If not provided, will create a new one

    Returns LinesMesh


Gets or sets the current action manager



alpha: number

Alpha of the line (Default: 1)

alphaIndex: number
alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh: boolean

True if the mesh must be rendered in any case (this will shortcut the frustum clipping phase)

animations: Animation[]

Gets a list of Animations associated with the node

color: Color3

Color of the line (Default: White)

cullingStrategy: number

The culling strategy to use to check whether the mesh must be rendered or not. This value can be changed at any time and will be used on the next render mesh selection. The possible values are :

  • AbstractMesh.CULLINGSTRATEGY_OPTIMISTIC_INCLUSION_THEN_BSPHERE_ONLY Please read each static variable documentation to get details about the culling process.
definedFacingForward: boolean

Gets or sets the orientation for POV movement & rotation

delayLoadState: number

Gets the delay loading state of the mesh (when delay loading is turned on)



delayLoadingFile: string

Gets the file containing delay loading data for this mesh

doNotSyncBoundingInfo: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the bounding info does not need to be kept in sync (for performance reason)

edgesColor: Color4

Defines edge color used when edgesRenderer is enabled



edgesRenderer: Nullable<EdgesRenderer>

Gets the edgesRenderer associated with the mesh

edgesShareWithInstances: boolean

true to use the edge renderer for all instances of this mesh

edgesWidth: number

Defines edge width used when edgesRenderer is enabled



ellipsoid: Vector3

Gets or sets the ellipsoid used to impersonate this mesh when using collision engine (default is (0.5, 1, 0.5))



ellipsoidOffset: Vector3

Gets or sets the ellipsoid offset used to impersonate this mesh when using collision engine (default is (0, 0, 0))



enablePointerMoveEvents: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that pointer move events must be supported on this mesh (false by default)

forceRenderingWhenOccluded: boolean

Flag to force rendering the mesh even if occluded



id: string

Gets or sets the id of the node

ignoreCameraMaxZ: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether to render ignoring the active camera's max z setting. (false by default) Note this will reduce performance when set to true.

ignoreNonUniformScaling: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that non uniform scaling (when at least one component is different from others) should be ignored. By default the system will update normals to compensate

inspectableCustomProperties: IInspectable[]

List of inspectable custom properties (used by the Inspector)



instancedBuffers: {}

Object used to store instanced buffers defined by user



Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
instances: InstancedMesh[]

Gets the list of instances created from this mesh it is not supposed to be modified manually. Note also that the order of the InstancedMesh wihin the array is not significant and might change.



intersectionThreshold: number

The intersection Threshold is the margin applied when intersection a segment of the LinesMesh with a Ray. This margin is expressed in world space coordinates, so its value may vary. Default value is 0.1

isBlocker: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the mesh must be considered as a ray blocker for lens flares (false by default)



isNearGrabbable: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the mesh can be near grabbed. Default is false

isNearPickable: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the mesh can be near picked. Default is false

isOccluded: boolean

Gets or sets whether the mesh is occluded or not, it is used also to set the initial state of the mesh to be occluded or not



isOcclusionQueryInProgress: boolean

Flag to check the progress status of the query



isPickable: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the mesh can be picked (by scene.pick for instance or through actions). Default is true

isVisible: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the mesh is visible (renderable). Default is true

metadata: any

Gets or sets an object used to store user defined information for the node

name: string

Gets or sets the name of the node

occlusionQueryAlgorithmType: number

This property determines the type of occlusion query algorithm to run in WebGl, you can use:

  • AbstractMesh.OCCLUSION_ALGORITHM_TYPE_CONSERVATIVE (Default Value) which is mapped to GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE which is a false positive algorithm that is faster than GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED but less accurate.


occlusionRetryCount: number

This number indicates the number of allowed retries before stop the occlusion query, this is useful if the occlusion query is taking long time before to the query result is retrieved, the query result indicates if the object is visible within the scene or not and based on that Babylon.Js engine decides to show or hide the object. The default value is -1 which means don't break the query and wait till the result



occlusionType: number

This property is responsible for starting the occlusion query within the Mesh or not, this property is also used to determine what should happen when the occlusionRetryCount is reached. It has supports 3 values:

  • OCCLUSION_TYPE_NONE (Default Value): this option means no occlusion query within the Mesh.
  • OCCLUSION_TYPE_OPTIMISTIC: this option is means use occlusion query and if occlusionRetryCount is reached and the query is broken show the mesh.
  • OCCLUSION_TYPE_STRICT: this option is means use occlusion query and if occlusionRetryCount is reached and the query is broken restore the last state of the mesh occlusion if the mesh was visible then show the mesh if was hidden then hide don't show.


onAccessibilityTagChangedObservable: Observable<Nullable<IAccessibilityTag>>
onAfterWorldMatrixUpdateObservable: Observable<TransformNode>

An event triggered after the world matrix is updated

onCollideObservable: Observable<AbstractMesh>

An event triggered when this mesh collides with another one

onCollisionPositionChangeObservable: Observable<Vector3>

An event triggered when the collision's position changes

onDisposeObservable: Observable<Node>

An event triggered when the mesh is disposed

onLODLevelSelection: ((distance: number, mesh: Mesh, selectedLevel: Nullable<Mesh>) => void)

Type declaration

onMaterialChangedObservable: Observable<AbstractMesh>

An event triggered when material is changed

onMeshReadyObservable: Observable<Mesh>

Will notify when the mesh is completely ready, including materials. Observers added to this observable will be removed once triggered

onReady: Nullable<((node: Node) => void)>

Callback raised when the node is ready to be used

onRebuildObservable: Observable<AbstractMesh>

An event triggered when the mesh is rebuilt.

outlineColor: Color3

Defines color to use when rendering outline

outlineWidth: number

Define width to use when rendering outline

overlayAlpha: number

Defines alpha to use when rendering overlay

overlayColor: Color3

Defines color to use when rendering overlay

overrideMaterialSideOrientation: Nullable<number>

Use this property to change the original side orientation defined at construction time

physicsBody: Nullable<PhysicsBody>
physicsImpostor: Nullable<PhysicsImpostor>

Gets or sets impostor used for physic simulation



reIntegrateRotationIntoRotationQuaternion: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that even if rotationQuaternion is defined, you can keep updating rotation property and Babylon.js will just mix both

renderOutline: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the outline must be rendered as well



renderOverlay: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the overlay must be rendered as well



reservedDataStore: any

For internal use only. Please do not use.

scalingDeterminant: number

Multiplication factor on scale x/y/z when computing the world matrix. Eg. for a 1x1x1 cube setting this to 2 will make it a 2x2x2 cube

showBoundingBox: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the bounding box must be rendered as well (false by default)

showSubMeshesBoundingBox: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that bounding boxes of subMeshes must be rendered as well (false by default)

state: string

Gets or sets a string used to store user defined state for the node

subMeshes: SubMesh[]
thinInstanceCount: number

Gets / sets the number of thin instances to display. Note that you can't set a number higher than what the underlying buffer can handle.

thinInstanceEnablePicking: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean defining if we want picking to pick thin instances as well

uniqueId: number

Gets or sets the unique id of the node

useOctreeForCollisions: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that internal octree (if available) can be used to boost submeshes collision (true by default)

useOctreeForPicking: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that internal octree (if available) can be used to boost submeshes picking (true by default)

useOctreeForRenderingSelection: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that internal octree (if available) can be used to boost submeshes selection (true by default)

useVertexAlpha?: boolean

If vertex alpha should be applied to the mesh

useVertexColor?: boolean

If vertex color should be applied to the mesh


Mesh side orientation : usually the internal or back surface

BOTTOM: 4 = 4

Mesh tile positioning : part tiles on bottom

BillboardUseParentOrientation: boolean

Child transform with Billboard flags should or should not apply parent rotation (default if off)

CAP_ALL: 3 = 3

Mesh cap setting : two caps, one at the beginning and one at the end of the mesh

CAP_END: 2 = 2

Mesh cap setting : one cap at the end of the mesh

CAP_START: 1 = 1

Mesh cap setting : one cap at the beginning of the mesh

CENTER: 0 = 0

Mesh tile positioning : part tiles same on left/right or top/bottom


Culling strategy : Bounding Sphere Only. This is an exclusion test. It's faster than the standard strategy because the bounding box is not tested. It's also less accurate than the standard because some not visible objects can still be selected. Test : is the bounding sphere outside the frustum ? If not, then the cullable object is in the frustum.


Culling strategy : Optimistic Inclusion. This in an inclusion test first, then the standard exclusion test. This can be faster when a cullable object is expected to be almost always in the camera frustum. This could also be a little slower than the standard test when the tested object center is not the frustum but one of its bounding box vertex is still inside. Anyway, it's as accurate as the standard strategy. Test : Is the cullable object bounding sphere center in the frustum ? If not, apply the default culling strategy.


Culling strategy : Optimistic Inclusion then Bounding Sphere Only. This in an inclusion test first, then the bounding sphere only exclusion test. This can be the fastest test when a cullable object is expected to be almost always in the camera frustum. This could also be a little slower than the BoundingSphereOnly strategy when the tested object center is not in the frustum but its bounding sphere still intersects it. It's less accurate than the standard strategy and as accurate as the BoundingSphereOnly strategy. Test : Is the cullable object bounding sphere center in the frustum ? If not, apply the Bounding Sphere Only strategy. No Bounding Box is tested here.


Default culling strategy : this is an exclusion test and it's the more accurate. Test order : Is the bounding sphere outside the frustum ? If not, are the bounding box vertices outside the frustum ? It not, then the cullable object is in the frustum.


Mesh side orientation : by default, FRONTSIDE


Mesh side orientation : both internal and external or front and back surfaces


Mesh pattern setting : rotate pattern and rotate


Mesh pattern setting : flip and rotate alternate tiles on each row or column

FLIP_ROW: 3 = 3

Mesh pattern setting : flip (reflect in y axis) all tiles on alternate rows

FLIP_TILE: 1 = 1

Mesh pattern setting : flip (reflect in y axis) alternate tiles on each row or column


Mesh side orientation : usually the external or front surface


Indicates that the instanced meshes should be sorted from back to front before rendering if their material is transparent

LEFT: 1 = 1

Mesh tile positioning : part tiles on left

NO_CAP: 0 = 0

Mesh cap setting : no cap

NO_FLIP: 0 = 0

Mesh pattern setting : no flip or rotate


Use an accurate occlusion algorithm


Use a conservative occlusion algorithm


No occlusion


Occlusion set to optimistic


Occlusion set to strict

RIGHT: 2 = 2

Mesh tile positioning : part tiles on right


Mesh pattern setting : rotate (180degs) all tiles on alternate rows


Mesh pattern setting : rotate (180degs) alternate tiles on each row or column

TOP: 3 = 3

Mesh tile positioning : part tiles on top


  • Returns the current mesh absolute position. Returns a Vector3.

    Returns Vector3

  • Returns the current mesh absolute rotation. Returns a Quaternion.

    Returns Quaternion

  • Returns the current mesh absolute scaling. Returns a Vector3.

    Returns Vector3

  • Gets or sets the accessibility tag to describe the node for accessibility purpose.

    Returns Nullable<IAccessibilityTag>

  • Gets or sets the accessibility tag to describe the node for accessibility purpose.


    Returns void

  • Gets or sets the animation properties override

    Returns Nullable<AnimationPropertiesOverride>

  • Gets or sets the animation properties override


    Returns void

  • get applyFog(): boolean
  • set applyFog(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this mesh will allow fog to be rendered on it (true by default)

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this mesh will allow fog to be rendered on it (true by default)


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get areNormalsFrozen(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if the normals aren't to be recomputed on next mesh positions array update. This property is pertinent only for updatable parametric shapes.

    Returns boolean

  • get billboardMode(): number
  • set billboardMode(value: number): void
  • Gets or sets the billboard mode. Default is 0.


    Returns number

  • Gets or sets the billboard mode. Default is 0.



    • value: number

    Returns void

  • Gets the list of clones of this mesh The scene must have been constructed with useClonedMeshMap=true for this to work! Note that useClonedMeshMap=true is the default setting

    Returns Nullable<{}>

  • get collisionGroup(): number
  • set collisionGroup(mask: number): void
  • Gets or sets the current collision group mask (-1 by default). A collision between A and B will happen if A.collisionGroup & b.collisionMask !== 0

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets the current collision group mask (-1 by default). A collision between A and B will happen if A.collisionGroup & b.collisionMask !== 0


    • mask: number

    Returns void

  • get collisionMask(): number
  • set collisionMask(mask: number): void
  • Gets or sets a collision mask used to mask collisions (default is -1). A collision between A and B will happen if A.collisionGroup & b.collisionMask !== 0

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets a collision mask used to mask collisions (default is -1). A collision between A and B will happen if A.collisionGroup & b.collisionMask !== 0


    • mask: number

    Returns void

  • get collisionResponse(): boolean
  • set collisionResponse(response: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a collision response flag (default is true). when collisionResponse is false, events are still triggered but colliding entity has no response This helps creating trigger volume when user wants collision feedback events but not position/velocity to respond to the collision.

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a collision response flag (default is true). when collisionResponse is false, events are still triggered but colliding entity has no response This helps creating trigger volume when user wants collision feedback events but not position/velocity to respond to the collision.


    • response: boolean

    Returns void

  • get collisionRetryCount(): number
  • set collisionRetryCount(retryCount: number): void
  • number of collision detection tries. Change this value if not all collisions are detected and handled properly

    Returns number

  • number of collision detection tries. Change this value if not all collisions are detected and handled properly


    • retryCount: number

    Returns void

  • get computeBonesUsingShaders(): boolean
  • set computeBonesUsingShaders(value: boolean): void
  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get doNotSerialize(): boolean
  • set doNotSerialize(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean used to define if the node must be serialized

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean used to define if the node must be serialized


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get enableDistantPicking(): boolean
  • set enableDistantPicking(value: boolean): void
  • When enabled, decompose picking matrices for better precision with large values for mesh position and scling

    Returns boolean

  • When enabled, decompose picking matrices for better precision with large values for mesh position and scling


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get facetDepthSortFrom(): Vector3
  • set facetDepthSortFrom(location: Vector3): void
  • get facetNb(): number
  • get forceWorldMatrixInstancedBufferUpdate(): boolean
  • set forceWorldMatrixInstancedBufferUpdate(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the update of the instance buffer of the world matrices must be performed in all cases (and notably even in frozen mode)

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the update of the instance buffer of the world matrices must be performed in all cases (and notably even in frozen mode)


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get forcedInstanceCount(): number
  • set forcedInstanceCount(count: number): void
  • Gets or sets the forced number of instances to display. If 0 (default value), the number of instances is not forced and depends on the draw type (regular / instance / thin instances mesh)

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets the forced number of instances to display. If 0 (default value), the number of instances is not forced and depends on the draw type (regular / instance / thin instances mesh)


    • count: number

    Returns void

  • The forward direction of that transform in world space.

    Returns Vector3

  • Gets the mesh internal Geometry object

    Returns Nullable<Geometry>

  • get hasBoundingInfo(): boolean
  • Returns true if there is already a bounding info

    Returns boolean

  • get hasInstances(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • get hasLODLevels(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if this mesh has LOD

    Returns boolean

  • get hasThinInstances(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • get hasVertexAlpha(): boolean
  • set hasVertexAlpha(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this mesh contains vertex color data with alpha values

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this mesh contains vertex color data with alpha values


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get infiniteDistance(): boolean
  • set infiniteDistance(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets the distance of the object to max, often used by skybox

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets the distance of the object to max, often used by skybox


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get isAnInstance(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if this mesh is an instance or a regular mesh

    Returns boolean

  • get isBlocked(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • get isFacetDataEnabled(): boolean
  • get isUnIndexed(): boolean
  • set isUnIndexed(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this mesh does not use index buffer

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this mesh does not use index buffer


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get isWorldMatrixFrozen(): boolean
  • True if the World matrix has been frozen.

    Returns boolean

  • get layerMask(): number
  • set layerMask(value: number): void
  • get lightSources(): Light[]
  • Gets the list of lights affecting that mesh

    Returns Light[]

  • get manualUpdateOfPreviousWorldMatrixInstancedBuffer(): boolean
  • set manualUpdateOfPreviousWorldMatrixInstancedBuffer(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the update of the instance buffer of the world matrices is manual

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the update of the instance buffer of the world matrices is manual


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get manualUpdateOfWorldMatrixInstancedBuffer(): boolean
  • set manualUpdateOfWorldMatrixInstancedBuffer(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the update of the instance buffer of the world matrices is manual

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the update of the instance buffer of the world matrices is manual


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get mustDepthSortFacets(): boolean
  • set mustDepthSortFacets(sort: boolean): void
  • get nonUniformScaling(): boolean
  • True if the scaling property of this object is non uniform eg. (1,2,1)

    Returns boolean

  • get numBoneInfluencers(): number
  • set numBoneInfluencers(value: number): void
  • Gets or sets the number of allowed bone influences per vertex (4 by default)

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets the number of allowed bone influences per vertex (4 by default)


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • An event triggered after rendering the mesh

    Returns Observable<Mesh>

  • An event triggered before binding the mesh

    Returns Observable<Mesh>

  • set onBeforeDraw(callback: (() => void)): void
  • Sets a callback to call before drawing the mesh. It is recommended to use onBeforeDrawObservable instead


    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns void

  • An event triggered before drawing the mesh

    Returns Observable<Mesh>

  • An event triggered before rendering the mesh

    Returns Observable<Mesh>

  • An event triggeredbetween rendering pass when using separateCullingPass = true

    Returns Observable<SubMesh>

  • An event triggered when the node is cloned

    Returns Observable<Node>

  • set onCollide(callback: ((collidedMesh?: AbstractMesh) => void)): void
  • Set a function to call when this mesh collides with another one


    Returns void

  • set onCollisionPositionChange(callback: (() => void)): void
  • Set a function to call when the collision's position changes


    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns void

  • set onDispose(callback: (() => void)): void
  • Sets a callback that will be raised when the node will be disposed


    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns void

  • get onEnabledStateChangedObservable(): Observable<boolean>
  • An event triggered when the enabled state of the node changes

    Returns Observable<boolean>

  • set overridenInstanceCount(count: number): void
  • Sets a value overriding the instance count. Only applicable when custom instanced InterleavedVertexBuffer are used rather than InstancedMeshs


    • count: number

    Returns void

  • get partitioningBBoxRatio(): number
  • set partitioningBBoxRatio(ratio: number): void
  • get partitioningSubdivisions(): number
  • set partitioningSubdivisions(nb: number): void
  • get pointerOverDisableMeshTesting(): boolean
  • set pointerOverDisableMeshTesting(disable: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets the property which disables the test that is checking that the mesh under the pointer is the same than the previous time we tested for it (default: false). Set this property to true if you want thin instances picking to be reported accurately when moving over the mesh. Note that setting this property to true will incur some performance penalties when dealing with pointer events for this mesh so use it sparingly.

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets the property which disables the test that is checking that the mesh under the pointer is the same than the previous time we tested for it (default: false). Set this property to true if you want thin instances picking to be reported accurately when moving over the mesh. Note that setting this property to true will incur some performance penalties when dealing with pointer events for this mesh so use it sparingly.


    • disable: boolean

    Returns void

  • Gets or set the node position (default is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

    Returns Vector3

  • Gets or set the node position (default is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))


    Returns void

  • get preserveParentRotationForBillboard(): boolean
  • set preserveParentRotationForBillboard(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that parent rotation should be preserved when using billboards. This could be useful for glTF objects where parent rotation helps converting from right handed to left handed

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that parent rotation should be preserved when using billboards. This could be useful for glTF objects where parent rotation helps converting from right handed to left handed


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get previousWorldMatrixInstancedBuffer(): Float32Array
  • Gets the array buffer used to store the instanced buffer used for instances' previous world matrices

    Returns Float32Array

  • get receiveShadows(): boolean
  • set receiveShadows(value: boolean): void
  • get renderingGroupId(): number
  • set renderingGroupId(value: number): void
  • The right direction of that transform in world space.

    Returns Vector3

  • Gets or sets the rotation property : a Vector3 defining the rotation value in radians around each local axis X, Y, Z (default is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)). If rotation quaternion is set, this Vector3 will be ignored and copy from the quaternion

    Returns Vector3

  • Gets or sets the rotation property : a Vector3 defining the rotation value in radians around each local axis X, Y, Z (default is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)). If rotation quaternion is set, this Vector3 will be ignored and copy from the quaternion


    Returns void

  • Gets or sets the rotation Quaternion property : this a Quaternion object defining the node rotation by using a unit quaternion (undefined by default, but can be null). If set, only the rotationQuaternion is then used to compute the node rotation (ie. node.rotation will be ignored)

    Returns Nullable<Quaternion>

  • Gets or sets the rotation Quaternion property : this a Quaternion object defining the node rotation by using a unit quaternion (undefined by default, but can be null). If set, only the rotationQuaternion is then used to compute the node rotation (ie. node.rotation will be ignored)


    Returns void

  • Gets or sets the scaling property : a Vector3 defining the node scaling along each local axis X, Y, Z (default is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)).

    Returns Vector3

  • Gets or sets the scaling property : a Vector3 defining the node scaling along each local axis X, Y, Z (default is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)).


    Returns void

  • Gets the source mesh (the one used to clone this one from)

    Returns Nullable<Mesh>

  • Gets or sets current surrounding meshes (null by default).

    By default collision detection is tested against every mesh in the scene. It is possible to set surroundingMeshes to a defined list of meshes and then only these specified meshes will be tested for the collision.

    Note: if set to an empty array no collision will happen when this mesh is moved.

    Returns Nullable<AbstractMesh[]>

  • Gets or sets current surrounding meshes (null by default).

    By default collision detection is tested against every mesh in the scene. It is possible to set surroundingMeshes to a defined list of meshes and then only these specified meshes will be tested for the collision.

    Note: if set to an empty array no collision will happen when this mesh is moved.


    Returns void

  • The up direction of that transform in world space.

    Returns Vector3

  • get useBones(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if this mesh has skinning data and an attached skeleton

    Returns boolean

  • get useLODScreenCoverage(): boolean
  • set useLODScreenCoverage(value: boolean): void
  • Determines if the LOD levels are intended to be calculated using screen coverage (surface area ratio) instead of distance.

    Returns boolean

  • Determines if the LOD levels are intended to be calculated using screen coverage (surface area ratio) instead of distance.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get useVertexColors(): boolean
  • set useVertexColors(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this mesh needs to use vertex color data to render (if this kind of vertex data is available in the geometry)

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this mesh needs to use vertex color data to render (if this kind of vertex data is available in the geometry)


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get visibility(): number
  • set visibility(value: number): void
  • Gets or sets mesh visibility between 0 and 1 (default is 1)

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets mesh visibility between 0 and 1 (default is 1)


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get worldMatrixFromCache(): Matrix
  • Returns directly the latest state of the mesh World matrix. A Matrix is returned.

    Returns Matrix

  • get worldMatrixInstancedBuffer(): Float32Array
  • Gets the array buffer used to store the instanced buffer used for instances' world matrices

    Returns Float32Array

  • get BILLBOARDMODE_ALL(): number
  • Billboard on all axes

    Returns number

  • get BILLBOARDMODE_NONE(): number
  • No billboard

    Returns number

  • Billboard on using position instead of orientation

    Returns number

  • get BILLBOARDMODE_X(): number
  • Billboard on X axis

    Returns number

  • get BILLBOARDMODE_Y(): number
  • Billboard on Y axis

    Returns number

  • get BILLBOARDMODE_Z(): number
  • Billboard on Z axis

    Returns number


  • _invalidateInstanceVertexArrayObject(): void
  • Invalidate VertexArrayObjects belonging to the mesh (but not to the Geometry of the mesh).

    Returns void

  • Adds the passed mesh as a child to the current mesh


    • mesh: AbstractMesh

      defines the child mesh

    • Optional preserveScalingSign: boolean

      if true, keep scaling sign of child. Otherwise, scaling sign might change.

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • Adds a rotation step to the mesh current rotation. x, y, z are Euler angles expressed in radians. This methods updates the current mesh rotation, either mesh.rotation, either mesh.rotationQuaternion if it's set. This means this rotation is made in the mesh local space only. It's useful to set a custom rotation order different from the BJS standard one YXZ. Example : this rotates the mesh first around its local X axis, then around its local Z axis, finally around its local Y axis.

    mesh.addRotation(x1, 0, 0).addRotation(0, 0, z2).addRotation(0, 0, y3);

    Note that addRotation() accumulates the passed rotation values to the current ones and computes the .rotation or .rotationQuaternion updated values. Under the hood, only quaternions are used. So it's a little faster is you use .rotationQuaternion because it doesn't need to translate them back to Euler angles.


    • x: number

      Rotation to add

    • y: number

      Rotation to add

    • z: number

      Rotation to add

    Returns TransformNode

    the TransformNode.

  • Align the mesh with a normal


    • normal: Vector3

      defines the normal to use

    • Optional upDirection: Vector3

      can be used to redefined the up vector to use (will use the (0, 1, 0) by default)

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • applyDisplacementMap(url: string, minHeight: number, maxHeight: number, onSuccess?: ((mesh: Mesh) => void), uvOffset?: Vector2, uvScale?: Vector2, forceUpdate?: boolean): Mesh
  • Modifies the mesh geometry according to a displacement map. A displacement map is a colored image. Each pixel color value (actually a gradient computed from red, green, blue values) will give the displacement to apply to each mesh vertex. The mesh must be set as updatable. Its internal geometry is directly modified, no new buffer are allocated.


    • url: string

      is a string, the URL from the image file is to be downloaded.

    • minHeight: number

      is the lower limit of the displacement.

    • maxHeight: number

      is the upper limit of the displacement.

    • Optional onSuccess: ((mesh: Mesh) => void)

      is an optional Javascript function to be called just after the mesh is modified. It is passed the modified mesh and must return nothing.

        • Parameters

          Returns void

    • Optional uvOffset: Vector2

      is an optional vector2 used to offset UV.

    • Optional uvScale: Vector2

      is an optional vector2 used to scale UV.

    • Optional forceUpdate: boolean

      defines whether or not to force an update of the generated buffers. This is useful to apply on a deserialized model for instance.

    Returns Mesh

    the Mesh.

  • applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer(buffer: Uint8Array, heightMapWidth: number, heightMapHeight: number, minHeight: number, maxHeight: number, uvOffset?: Vector2, uvScale?: Vector2, forceUpdate?: boolean): Mesh
  • Modifies the mesh geometry according to a displacementMap buffer. A displacement map is a colored image. Each pixel color value (actually a gradient computed from red, green, blue values) will give the displacement to apply to each mesh vertex. The mesh must be set as updatable. Its internal geometry is directly modified, no new buffer are allocated.


    • buffer: Uint8Array

      is a Uint8Array buffer containing series of Uint8 lower than 255, the red, green, blue and alpha values of each successive pixel.

    • heightMapWidth: number

      is the width of the buffer image.

    • heightMapHeight: number

      is the height of the buffer image.

    • minHeight: number

      is the lower limit of the displacement.

    • maxHeight: number

      is the upper limit of the displacement.

    • Optional uvOffset: Vector2

      is an optional vector2 used to offset UV.

    • Optional uvScale: Vector2

      is an optional vector2 used to scale UV.

    • Optional forceUpdate: boolean

      defines whether or not to force an update of the generated buffers. This is useful to apply on a deserialized model for instance.

    Returns Mesh

    the Mesh.

  • Updates the vertex buffer by applying transformation from the bones


    • skeleton: Skeleton

      defines the skeleton to apply to current mesh

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • Attach the current TransformNode to another TransformNode associated with a bone


    • bone: Bone

      Bone affecting the TransformNode

    • affectedTransformNode: TransformNode

      TransformNode associated with the bone

    Returns TransformNode

    this object

  • bakeCurrentTransformIntoVertices(bakeIndependentlyOfChildren?: boolean): Mesh
  • bakeTransformIntoVertices(transform: Matrix): Mesh
  • beginAnimation(name: string, loop?: boolean, speedRatio?: number, onAnimationEnd?: (() => void)): Nullable<Animatable>
  • Will start the animation sequence


    • name: string

      defines the range frames for animation sequence

    • Optional loop: boolean

      defines if the animation should loop (false by default)

    • Optional speedRatio: number

      defines the speed factor in which to run the animation (1 by default)

    • Optional onAnimationEnd: (() => void)

      defines a function to be executed when the animation ended (undefined by default)

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns Nullable<Animatable>

    the object created for this animation. If range does not exist, it will return null

  • calcMovePOV(amountRight: number, amountUp: number, amountForward: number): Vector3
  • Calculate relative position change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh. This is performed taking into account the meshes current rotation, so you do not have to care. Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward {@link definedFacingForwardSearch | See definedFacingForwardSearch }.


    • amountRight: number

      defines the distance on the right axis

    • amountUp: number

      defines the distance on the up axis

    • amountForward: number

      defines the distance on the forward axis

    Returns Vector3

    the new displacement vector

  • calcRotatePOV(flipBack: number, twirlClockwise: number, tiltRight: number): Vector3
  • Calculate relative rotation change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh. Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward {@link definedFacingForwardSearch | See definedFacingForwardSearch }.


    • flipBack: number

      defines the flip

    • twirlClockwise: number

      defines the twirl

    • tiltRight: number

      defines the tilt

    Returns Vector3

    the new rotation vector

  • cleanMatrixWeights(): void
  • Renormalize the mesh and patch it up if there are no weights Similar to normalization by adding the weights compute the reciprocal and multiply all elements, this wil ensure that everything adds to 1. However in the case of zero weights then we set just a single influence to 1. We check in the function for extra's present and if so we use the normalizeSkinWeightsWithExtras rather than the FourWeights version.

    Returns void

  • Returns a new LineMesh object cloned from the current one.


    • name: string
    • Optional newParent: Nullable<Node>
    • Optional doNotCloneChildren: boolean

    Returns LinesMesh

  • Computes the world matrix of the node


    • Optional force: boolean

      defines if the cache version should be invalidated forcing the world matrix to be created from scratch

    • Optional camera: Nullable<Camera>

      defines the camera used if different from the scene active camera (This is used with modes like Billboard or infinite distance)

    Returns Matrix

    the world matrix

  • convertToFlatShadedMesh(): Mesh
  • Modify the mesh to get a flat shading rendering. This means each mesh facet will then have its own normals. Usually new vertices are added in the mesh geometry to get this result. Warning : the mesh is really modified even if not set originally as updatable and, under the hood, a new VertexBuffer is allocated.

    Returns Mesh

    current mesh

  • convertToUnIndexedMesh(): Mesh
  • This method removes all the mesh indices and add new vertices (duplication) in order to unfold facets into buffers. In other words, more vertices, no more indices and a single bigger VBO. The mesh is really modified even if not set originally as updatable. Under the hood, a new VertexBuffer is allocated.

    Returns Mesh

    current mesh

  • createAnimationRange(name: string, from: number, to: number): void
  • Creates an animation range for this node


    • name: string

      defines the name of the range

    • from: number

      defines the starting key

    • to: number

      defines the end key

    Returns void

  • Creates new normals data for the mesh


    • updatable: boolean

      defines if the normal vertex buffer must be flagged as updatable

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • createOrUpdateSubmeshesOctree(maxCapacity?: number, maxDepth?: number): Octree<SubMesh>
  • deleteAnimationRange(name: string, deleteFrames?: boolean): void
  • Delete a specific animation range


    • name: string

      defines the name of the range to delete

    • Optional deleteFrames: boolean

      defines if animation frames from the range must be deleted as well

    Returns void

  • Detach the transform node if its associated with a bone


    • Optional resetToPreviousParent: boolean

      Indicates if the parent that was in effect when attachToBone was called should be set back or if we should set parent to null instead (defaults to the latter)

    Returns TransformNode

    this object

  • dispose(doNotRecurse?: boolean, disposeMaterialAndTextures?: boolean, doNotDisposeMaterial?: boolean): void
  • Disposes of the line mesh


    • Optional doNotRecurse: boolean

      If children should be disposed

    • Optional disposeMaterialAndTextures: boolean

      This parameter is not used by the LineMesh class

    • Optional doNotDisposeMaterial: boolean

      If the material should not be disposed (default: false, meaning the material is disposed)

    Returns void

  • enableEdgesRendering(epsilon?: number, checkVerticesInsteadOfIndices?: boolean): AbstractMesh
  • Enables the edge rendering mode on the mesh. This mode makes the mesh edges visible




    • Optional epsilon: number

      defines the maximal distance between two angles to detect a face

    • Optional checkVerticesInsteadOfIndices: boolean

      indicates that we should check vertex list directly instead of faces

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the currentAbstractMesh

  • flipFaces(flipNormals?: boolean): Mesh
  • Inverses facet orientations. Warning : the mesh is really modified even if not set originally as updatable. A new VertexBuffer is created under the hood each call.


    • Optional flipNormals: boolean

      will also inverts the normals

    Returns Mesh

    current mesh

  • forceSharedVertices(): void
  • Force adjacent facets to share vertices and remove any facets that have all vertices in a line This will undo any application of covertToFlatShadedMesh Warning : the mesh is really modified even if not set originally as updatable. A new VertexBuffer is created under the hood each call.

    Returns void

  • freezeNormals(): Mesh
  • This function affects parametric shapes on vertex position update only : ribbons, tubes, etc. It has no effect at all on other shapes. It prevents the mesh normals from being recomputed on next positions array update.

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • Prevents the World matrix to be computed any longer


    • Optional newWorldMatrix: Nullable<Matrix>

      defines an optional matrix to use as world matrix

    • Optional decompose: boolean

      defines whether to decompose the given newWorldMatrix or directly assign

    Returns TransformNode

    the TransformNode.

  • Returns a new Vector3 set with the mesh pivot point World coordinates.

    Returns Vector3

    a new Vector3 set with the mesh pivot point World coordinates.

  • Sets the Vector3 "result" coordinates with the mesh pivot point World coordinates.


    • result: Vector3

      vector3 to store the result

    Returns TransformNode

    this TransformNode.

  • Returns the mesh absolute position in the World.

    Returns Vector3

    a Vector3.

  • Returns as a new array populated with the mesh material and/or skeleton, if any.

    Returns IAnimatable[]

    an array of IAnimatable

  • Get an animation by name


    • name: string

      defines the name of the animation to look for

    Returns Nullable<Animation>

    null if not found else the requested animation

  • Get an animation range by name


    • name: string

      defines the name of the animation range to look for

    Returns Nullable<AnimationRange>

    null if not found else the requested animation range

  • Returns the mesh BoundingInfo object or creates a new one and returns if it was undefined. Note that it returns a shallow bounding of the mesh (i.e. it does not include children). To get the full bounding of all children, call getHierarchyBoundingVectors instead.

    Returns BoundingInfo

    a BoundingInfo

  • getChildMeshes<T>(directDescendantsOnly?: boolean, predicate?: ((node: Node) => node is T)): T[]
  • getChildMeshes(directDescendantsOnly?: boolean, predicate?: ((node: Node) => boolean)): AbstractMesh[]
  • Get all child-meshes of this node

    Type Parameters


    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered (Default: false)

    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => node is T)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): node is T
        • Parameters

          Returns node is T

    Returns T[]

    an array of AbstractMesh

  • Get all child-meshes of this node


    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered (Default: false)

    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => boolean)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    Returns AbstractMesh[]

    an array of AbstractMesh

  • getChildTransformNodes(directDescendantsOnly?: boolean, predicate?: ((node: Node) => boolean)): TransformNode[]
  • Get all child-transformNodes of this node


    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered

    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => boolean)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    Returns TransformNode[]

    an array of TransformNode

  • getChildren<T>(predicate?: ((node: Node) => node is T), directDescendantsOnly?: boolean): T[]
  • getChildren(predicate?: ((node: Node) => boolean), directDescendantsOnly?: boolean): Node[]
  • Get all direct children of this node

    Type Parameters


    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => node is T)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): node is T
        • Parameters

          Returns node is T

    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered (Default: true)

    Returns T[]

    an array of Node

  • Get all direct children of this node


    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => boolean)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered (Default: true)

    Returns Node[]

    an array of Node

  • getClassName(): string
  • Returns the string "LineMesh"

    Returns string

  • getClosestFacetAtCoordinates(x: number, y: number, z: number, projected?: Vector3, checkFace?: boolean, facing?: boolean): Nullable<number>
  • Returns the closest mesh facet index at (x,y,z) World coordinates, null if not found




    • x: number

      defines x coordinate

    • y: number

      defines y coordinate

    • z: number

      defines z coordinate

    • Optional projected: Vector3

      sets as the (x,y,z) world projection on the facet

    • Optional checkFace: boolean

      if true (default false), only the facet "facing" to (x,y,z) or only the ones "turning their backs", according to the parameter "facing" are returned

    • Optional facing: boolean

      if facing and checkFace are true, only the facet "facing" to (x, y, z) are returned : positive dot (x, y, z) * facet position. If facing si false and checkFace is true, only the facet "turning their backs" to (x, y, z) are returned : negative dot (x, y, z) * facet position

    Returns Nullable<number>

    the face index if found (or null instead)

  • getClosestFacetAtLocalCoordinates(x: number, y: number, z: number, projected?: Vector3, checkFace?: boolean, facing?: boolean): Nullable<number>
  • Returns the closest mesh facet index at (x,y,z) local coordinates, null if not found




    • x: number

      defines x coordinate

    • y: number

      defines y coordinate

    • z: number

      defines z coordinate

    • Optional projected: Vector3

      sets as the (x,y,z) local projection on the facet

    • Optional checkFace: boolean

      if true (default false), only the facet "facing" to (x,y,z) or only the ones "turning their backs", according to the parameter "facing" are returned

    • Optional facing: boolean

      if facing and checkFace are true, only the facet "facing" to (x, y, z) are returned : positive dot (x, y, z) * facet position. If facing si false and checkFace is true, only the facet "turning their backs" to (x, y, z) are returned : negative dot (x, y, z) * facet position

    Returns Nullable<number>

    the face index if found (or null instead)

  • This function returns all of the particle systems in the scene that use the mesh as an emitter.

    Returns IParticleSystem[]

    an array of particle systems in the scene that use the mesh as an emitter

  • getDescendants<T>(directDescendantsOnly?: boolean, predicate?: ((node: Node) => node is T)): T[]
  • getDescendants(directDescendantsOnly?: boolean, predicate?: ((node: Node) => boolean)): Node[]
  • Will return all nodes that have this node as ascendant

    Type Parameters


    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered

    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => node is T)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): node is T
        • Parameters

          Returns node is T

    Returns T[]

    all children nodes of all types

  • Will return all nodes that have this node as ascendant


    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered

    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => boolean)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    Returns Node[]

    all children nodes of all types

  • Returns a new Vector3 that is the localAxis, expressed in the mesh local space, rotated like the mesh. This Vector3 is expressed in the World space.


    Returns Vector3

    a new Vector3 that is the localAxis, expressed in the mesh local space, rotated like the mesh.

  • Sets the Vector3 "result" as the rotated Vector3 "localAxis" in the same rotation than the mesh. localAxis is expressed in the mesh local space. result is computed in the World space from the mesh World matrix.


    • localAxis: Vector3

      axis to rotate

    • result: Vector3

      the resulting transformnode

    Returns TransformNode

    this TransformNode.

  • Returns the distance from the mesh to the active camera


    Returns number

    the distance

  • Returns an array populated with IParticleSystem objects whose the mesh is the emitter

    Returns IParticleSystem[]

    an array of IParticleSystem

  • Gets the engine of the node

    Returns Engine

    a Engine

  • getFacetDataParameters(): any
  • getFacetLocalPartitioning(): number[][]
  • getFacetLocalPositions(): Vector3[]
  • getFacetPosition(i: number): Vector3
  • getFacetsAtLocalCoordinates(x: number, y: number, z: number): Nullable<number[]>
  • Return the minimum and maximum world vectors of the entire hierarchy under current node


    • Optional includeDescendants: boolean

      Include bounding info from descendants as well (true by default)

    • Optional predicate: Nullable<((abstractMesh: AbstractMesh) => boolean)>

      defines a callback function that can be customize to filter what meshes should be included in the list used to compute the bounding vectors

    Returns { max: Vector3; min: Vector3 }

    the new bounding vectors

  • Returns an array of integers or a typed array (Int32Array, Uint32Array, Uint16Array) populated with the mesh indices.


    • Optional copyWhenShared: boolean

      If true (default false) and and if the mesh geometry is shared among some other meshes, the returned array is a copy of the internal one.

    • Optional forceCopy: boolean

      defines a boolean indicating that the returned array must be cloned upon returning it

    Returns Nullable<IndicesArray>

    the indices array or an empty array if the mesh has no geometry

  • Gets the list of MeshLODLevel associated with the current mesh

    Returns MeshLODLevel[]

    an array of MeshLODLevel

  • getMaterialForRenderPass(renderPassId: number): undefined | Material
  • Gets the material used to render the mesh in a specific render pass


    • renderPassId: number

      render pass id

    Returns undefined | Material

    material used for the render pass. If no specific material is used for this render pass, undefined is returned (meaning mesh.material is used for this pass)

  • Get the normals vertex data and optionally apply skeleton and morphing.


    • Optional applySkeleton: boolean

      defines whether to apply the skeleton

    • Optional applyMorph: boolean

      defines whether to apply the morph target

    Returns Nullable<FloatArray>

    the normals data

  • Returns the mesh pivot matrix. Default : Identity.

    Returns Matrix

    the matrix

  • Returns a new Vector3 set with the mesh pivot point coordinates in the local space.

    Returns Vector3

    the pivot point

  • Sets the passed Vector3 "result" with the coordinates of the mesh pivot point in the local space.


    • result: Vector3

      the vector3 to store the result

    Returns TransformNode

    this TransformNode.

  • Returns the mesh Pose matrix.

    Returns Matrix

    the pose matrix

  • Get the position vertex data and optionally apply skeleton and morphing.


    • Optional applySkeleton: boolean

      defines whether to apply the skeleton

    • Optional applyMorph: boolean

      defines whether to apply the morph target

    • Optional data: Nullable<FloatArray>

      defines the position data to apply the skeleton and morph to

    Returns Nullable<FloatArray>

    the position data

  • getPositionExpressedInLocalSpace(): Vector3
  • Gets the scene of the node

    Returns Scene

    a scene

  • getTotalIndices(): number
  • Returns a positive integer : the total number of indices in this mesh geometry.

    Returns number

    the numner of indices or zero if the mesh has no geometry.

  • getTotalVertices(): number
  • Returns the total number of vertices within the mesh geometry or zero if the mesh has no geometry.

    Returns number

    the total number of vertices

  • Returns the mesh VertexBuffer object from the requested kind


    • kind: string

      defines which buffer to read from (positions, indices, normals, etc). Possible kind values :

      • VertexBuffer.PositionKind
      • VertexBuffer.NormalKind
      • VertexBuffer.UVKind
      • VertexBuffer.UV2Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV3Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV4Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV5Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV6Kind
      • VertexBuffer.ColorKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesExtraKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsExtraKind

    Returns Nullable<VertexBuffer>

    a FloatArray or null if the mesh has no vertex buffer for this kind.

  • getVerticesData(kind: string, copyWhenShared?: boolean, forceCopy?: boolean): Nullable<FloatArray>
  • Returns the content of an associated vertex buffer


    • kind: string

      defines which buffer to read from (positions, indices, normals, etc). Possible kind values :

      • VertexBuffer.PositionKind
      • VertexBuffer.UVKind
      • VertexBuffer.UV2Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV3Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV4Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV5Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV6Kind
      • VertexBuffer.ColorKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesExtraKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsExtraKind
    • Optional copyWhenShared: boolean

      defines a boolean indicating that if the mesh geometry is shared among some other meshes, the returned array is a copy of the internal one

    • Optional forceCopy: boolean

      defines a boolean forcing the copy of the buffer no matter what the value of copyWhenShared is

    Returns Nullable<FloatArray>

    a FloatArray or null if the mesh has no geometry or no vertex buffer for this kind.

  • getVerticesDataKinds(): string[]
  • Returns a string which contains the list of existing kinds of Vertex Data associated with this mesh.

    Returns string[]

    an array of strings

  • Gets the current world matrix

    Returns Matrix

    a Matrix

  • increaseVertices(numberPerEdge?: number): void
  • Increase the number of facets and hence vertices in a mesh Vertex normals are interpolated from existing vertex normals Warning : the mesh is really modified even if not set originally as updatable. A new VertexBuffer is created under the hood each call.


    • Optional numberPerEdge: number

      the number of new vertices to add to each edge of a facet, optional default 1

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • ray: Ray

      defines the ray to use

    • Optional fastCheck: boolean

      defines if fast mode (but less precise) must be used (false by default)

    • Optional trianglePredicate: TrianglePickingPredicate

      defines an optional predicate used to select faces when a mesh intersection is detected

    • Optional onlyBoundingInfo: boolean

      defines a boolean indicating if picking should only happen using bounding info (false by default)

    • Optional worldToUse: Matrix

      defines the world matrix to use to get the world coordinate of the intersection point

    • Optional skipBoundingInfo: boolean

      a boolean indicating if we should skip the bounding info check

    Returns PickingInfo

    the picking info

  • True if the mesh intersects another mesh or a SolidParticle object


    • mesh: AbstractMesh | SolidParticle

      defines a target mesh or SolidParticle to test

    • Optional precise: boolean

      Unless the parameter precise is set to true the intersection is computed according to Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes (AABB), else according to OBB (Oriented BBoxes)

    • Optional includeDescendants: boolean

      Can be set to true to test if the mesh defined in parameters intersects with the current mesh or any child meshes

    Returns boolean

    true if there is an intersection

  • intersectsPoint(point: Vector3): boolean
  • Returns true if the passed point (Vector3) is inside the mesh bounding box


    • point: Vector3

      defines the point to test

    Returns boolean

    true if there is an intersection

  • isCompletelyInFrustum(frustumPlanes: Plane[]): boolean
  • Returns true if the mesh is completely in the frustum defined be the passed array of planes. A mesh is completely in the frustum if its bounding box it completely inside the frustum.


    • frustumPlanes: Plane[]

      defines the frustum to test

    Returns boolean

    true if the mesh is completely in the frustum planes

  • isDescendantOf(ancestor: Node): boolean
  • Is this node a descendant of the given node? The function will iterate up the hierarchy until the ancestor was found or no more parents defined


    • ancestor: Node

      defines the parent node to inspect

    Returns boolean

    a boolean indicating if this node is a descendant of the given node

  • isDisposed(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if the node has been disposed

    Returns boolean

    true if the node was disposed

  • isEnabled(checkAncestors?: boolean): boolean
  • Is this node enabled? If the node has a parent, all ancestors will be checked and false will be returned if any are false (not enabled), otherwise will return true


    • Optional checkAncestors: boolean

      indicates if this method should check the ancestors. The default is to check the ancestors. If set to false, the method will return the value of this node without checking ancestors

    Returns boolean

    whether this node (and its parent) is enabled

  • isInFrustum(frustumPlanes: Plane[]): boolean
  • Returns true if the mesh is within the frustum defined by the passed array of planes. A mesh is in the frustum if its bounding box intersects the frustum


    • frustumPlanes: Plane[]

      defines the frustum to test

    Returns boolean

    true if the mesh is in the frustum planes

  • isReady(): boolean
  • Determine if the current mesh is ready to be rendered

    Returns boolean

    true if all associated assets are ready (material, textures, shaders)

  • isUsingPivotMatrix(): boolean
  • return true if a pivot has been set

    Returns boolean

    true if a pivot matrix is used

  • isVertexBufferUpdatable(kind: string): boolean
  • Returns a boolean defining if the vertex data for the requested kind is updatable.


    • kind: string

      defines which buffer to check (positions, indices, normals, etc). Possible kind values :

      • VertexBuffer.PositionKind
      • VertexBuffer.UVKind
      • VertexBuffer.UV2Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV3Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV4Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV5Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV6Kind
      • VertexBuffer.ColorKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesExtraKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsExtraKind

    Returns boolean

    a boolean

  • isVerticesDataPresent(kind: string): boolean
  • Tests if a specific vertex buffer is associated with this mesh


    • kind: string

      defines which buffer to check (positions, indices, normals, etc). Possible kind values :

      • VertexBuffer.PositionKind
      • VertexBuffer.NormalKind
      • VertexBuffer.UVKind
      • VertexBuffer.UV2Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV3Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV4Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV5Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV6Kind
      • VertexBuffer.ColorKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesExtraKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsExtraKind

    Returns boolean

    a boolean

  • isWorldMatrixCameraDependent(): boolean
  • Returns whether the transform node world matrix computation needs the camera information to be computed. This is the case when the node is a billboard or has an infinite distance for instance.

    Returns boolean

    true if the world matrix computation needs the camera information to be computed

  • Translates the mesh along the passed Vector3 in its local space.


    • vector3: Vector3

      the distance to translate in localspace

    Returns TransformNode

    the TransformNode.

  • Orients a mesh towards a target point. Mesh must be drawn facing user.


    • targetPoint: Vector3

      the position (must be in same space as current mesh) to look at

    • Optional yawCor: number

      optional yaw (y-axis) correction in radians

    • Optional pitchCor: number

      optional pitch (x-axis) correction in radians

    • Optional rollCor: number

      optional roll (z-axis) correction in radians

    • Optional space: Space

      the chosen space of the target

    Returns TransformNode

    the TransformNode.

  • makeGeometryUnique(): Mesh
  • Creates a un-shared specific occurence of the geometry for the mesh.

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • Flag the AbstractMesh as dirty (Forcing it to update everything)


    • Optional property: string

      if set to "rotation" the objects rotationQuaternion will be set to null

    Returns AbstractMesh

    this AbstractMesh

  • markVerticesDataAsUpdatable(kind: string, updatable?: boolean): void
  • Flags an associated vertex buffer as updatable


    • kind: string

      defines which buffer to use (positions, indices, normals, etc). Possible kind values :

      • VertexBuffer.PositionKind
      • VertexBuffer.UVKind
      • VertexBuffer.UV2Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV3Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV4Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV5Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV6Kind
      • VertexBuffer.ColorKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesExtraKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsExtraKind
    • Optional updatable: boolean

      defines if the updated vertex buffer must be flagged as updatable

    Returns void

  • movePOV(amountRight: number, amountUp: number, amountForward: number): AbstractMesh
  • Perform relative position change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh. This is performed taking into account the meshes current rotation, so you do not have to care. Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward {@link definedFacingForwardSearch | See definedFacingForwardSearch }.


    • amountRight: number

      defines the distance on the right axis

    • amountUp: number

      defines the distance on the up axis

    • amountForward: number

      defines the distance on the forward axis

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • Uniformly scales the mesh to fit inside of a unit cube (1 X 1 X 1 units)


    • Optional includeDescendants: boolean

      Use the hierarchy's bounding box instead of the mesh's bounding box. Default is false

    • Optional ignoreRotation: boolean

      ignore rotation when computing the scale (ie. object will be axis aligned). Default is false

    • Optional predicate: Nullable<((node: AbstractMesh) => boolean)>

      predicate that is passed in to getHierarchyBoundingVectors when selecting which object should be included when scaling

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • optimizeIndices(successCallback?: ((mesh?: Mesh) => void)): Mesh
  • Optimization of the mesh's indices, in case a mesh has duplicated vertices. The function will only reorder the indices and will not remove unused vertices to avoid problems with submeshes. This should be used together with the simplification to avoid disappearing triangles.


    • Optional successCallback: ((mesh?: Mesh) => void)

      an optional success callback to be called after the optimization finished.

        • Parameters

          Returns void

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • refreshBoundingInfo(applySkeleton?: boolean, applyMorph?: boolean): Mesh
  • This method recomputes and sets a new BoundingInfo to the mesh unless it is locked. This means the mesh underlying bounding box and sphere are recomputed.


    • Optional applySkeleton: boolean

      defines whether to apply the skeleton before computing the bounding info

    • Optional applyMorph: boolean

      defines whether to apply the morph target before computing the bounding info

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • Registers for this mesh a javascript function called just after the rendering is complete


    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • Registers for this mesh a javascript function called just before the rendering process


    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • registerInstancedBuffer(kind: string, stride: number): void
  • Disposes all the submeshes of the current meshnp

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • Removes the passed mesh from the current mesh children list


    • mesh: AbstractMesh

      defines the child mesh

    • Optional preserveScalingSign: boolean

      if true, keep scaling sign of child. Otherwise, scaling sign might change.

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • removeVerticesData(kind: string): void
  • Delete a vertex buffer associated with this mesh


    • kind: string

      defines which buffer to delete (positions, indices, normals, etc). Possible kind values :

      • VertexBuffer.PositionKind
      • VertexBuffer.UVKind
      • VertexBuffer.UV2Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV3Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV4Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV5Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV6Kind
      • VertexBuffer.ColorKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesExtraKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsExtraKind

    Returns void

  • Triggers the draw call for the mesh. Usually, you don't need to call this method by your own because the mesh rendering is handled by the scene rendering manager


    • subMesh: SubMesh

      defines the subMesh to render

    • enableAlphaMode: boolean

      defines if alpha mode can be changed

    • Optional effectiveMeshReplacement: AbstractMesh

      defines an optional mesh used to provide info for the rendering

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • resetDrawCache(passId?: number): void
  • Resets the draw wrappers cache for all submeshes of this abstract mesh


    • Optional passId: number

      If provided, releases only the draw wrapper corresponding to this render pass id

    Returns void

  • resetLocalMatrix(independentOfChildren?: boolean): void
  • Resets this nodeTransform's local matrix to Matrix.Identity().


    • Optional independentOfChildren: boolean

      indicates if all child nodeTransform's world-space transform should be preserved.

    Returns void

  • Rotates the mesh around the axis vector for the passed angle (amount) expressed in radians, in the given space. space (default LOCAL) can be either Space.LOCAL, either Space.WORLD. Note that the property rotationQuaternion is then automatically updated and the property rotation is set to (0,0,0) and no longer used. The passed axis is also normalized.


    • axis: Vector3

      the axis to rotate around

    • amount: number

      the amount to rotate in radians

    • Optional space: Space

      Space to rotate in (Default: local)

    Returns TransformNode

    the TransformNode.

  • Rotates the mesh around the axis vector for the passed angle (amount) expressed in radians, in world space. Note that the property rotationQuaternion is then automatically updated and the property rotation is set to (0,0,0) and no longer used. The passed axis is also normalized. . Method is based on http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/affine/aroundPoint/index.htm


    • point: Vector3

      the point to rotate around

    • axis: Vector3

      the axis to rotate around

    • amount: number

      the amount to rotate in radians

    Returns TransformNode

    the TransformNode

  • rotatePOV(flipBack: number, twirlClockwise: number, tiltRight: number): AbstractMesh
  • Perform relative rotation change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh. Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward {@link definedFacingForwardSearch | See definedFacingForwardSearch }.


    • flipBack: number

      defines the flip

    • twirlClockwise: number

      defines the twirl

    • tiltRight: number

      defines the tilt

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • serialize(serializationObject: any): void
  • Serializes this ground mesh


    • serializationObject: any

      object to write serialization to

    Returns void

  • serializeAnimationRanges(): any
  • Serialize animation ranges into a JSON compatible object

    Returns any

    serialization object

  • Sets the mesh absolute position in the World from a Vector3 or an Array(3).


    • absolutePosition: Vector3

      the absolute position to set

    Returns TransformNode

    the TransformNode.

  • Overwrite the current bounding info


    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • setDirection(localAxis: Vector3, yawCor?: number, pitchCor?: number, rollCor?: number): TransformNode
  • Sets this transform node rotation to the given local axis.


    • localAxis: Vector3

      the axis in local space

    • Optional yawCor: number

      optional yaw (y-axis) correction in radians

    • Optional pitchCor: number

      optional pitch (x-axis) correction in radians

    • Optional rollCor: number

      optional roll (z-axis) correction in radians

    Returns TransformNode

    this TransformNode

  • setEnabled(value: boolean): void
  • Set the enabled state of this node


    • value: boolean

      defines the new enabled state

    Returns void

  • Set the index buffer of this mesh


    • indices: IndicesArray

      defines the source data

    • Optional totalVertices: Nullable<number>

      defines the total number of vertices referenced by this index data (can be null)

    • Optional updatable: boolean

      defines if the updated index buffer must be flagged as updatable (default is false)

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • setMaterialByID(id: string): Mesh
  • Sets the mesh material by the material or multiMaterial id property


    Please use MeshBuilder instead Please use setMaterialById instead


    • id: string

      is a string identifying the material or the multiMaterial

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • setMaterialById(id: string): Mesh
  • Sets the mesh material by the material or multiMaterial id property


    • id: string

      is a string identifying the material or the multiMaterial

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • setMaterialForRenderPass(renderPassId: number, material?: Material): void
  • Sets the material to be used to render the mesh in a specific render pass


    • renderPassId: number

      render pass id

    • Optional material: Material

      material to use for this render pass. If undefined is passed, no specific material will be used for this render pass but the regular material will be used instead (mesh.material)

    Returns void

  • setNormalsForCPUSkinning(): Nullable<Float32Array>
  • Prepare internal normal array for software CPU skinning

    Returns Nullable<Float32Array>

    original normals used for CPU skinning. Useful for integrating Morphing with skeletons in same mesh.

  • Defines the passed node as the parent of the current node. The node will remain exactly where it is and its position / rotation will be updated accordingly. Note that if the mesh has a pivot matrix / point defined it will be applied after the parent was updated. In that case the node will not remain in the same space as it is, as the pivot will be applied. To avoid this, you can set updatePivot to true and the pivot will be updated to identity




    • node: Nullable<Node>

      the node ot set as the parent

    • Optional preserveScalingSign: boolean

      if true, keep scaling sign of child. Otherwise, scaling sign might change.

    • Optional updatePivot: boolean

      if true, update the pivot matrix to keep the node in the same space as before

    Returns TransformNode

    this TransformNode.

  • Sets a new pivot matrix to the current node


    • matrix: DeepImmutableObject<Matrix>

      defines the new pivot matrix to use

    • Optional postMultiplyPivotMatrix: boolean

      defines if the pivot matrix must be cancelled in the world matrix. When this parameter is set to true (default), the inverse of the pivot matrix is also applied at the end to cancel the transformation effect

    Returns TransformNode

    the current TransformNode

  • Sets a new pivot point to the current node


    • point: Vector3

      defines the new pivot point to use

    • Optional space: Space

      defines if the point is in world or local space (local by default)

    Returns TransformNode

    the current TransformNode

  • setPositionsForCPUSkinning(): Nullable<Float32Array>
  • Prepare internal position array for software CPU skinning

    Returns Nullable<Float32Array>

    original positions used for CPU skinning. Useful for integrating Morphing with skeletons in same mesh

  • Sets a new matrix to apply before all other transformation


    • matrix: Matrix

      defines the transform matrix

    Returns TransformNode

    the current TransformNode

  • Sets the mesh global Vertex Buffer


    • buffer: VertexBuffer

      defines the buffer to use

    • Optional disposeExistingBuffer: boolean

      disposes the existing buffer, if any (default: true)

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • Copy a FloatArray into a specific associated vertex buffer


    • kind: string

      defines which buffer to write to (positions, indices, normals, etc). Possible kind values :

      • VertexBuffer.PositionKind
      • VertexBuffer.UVKind
      • VertexBuffer.UV2Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV3Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV4Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV5Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV6Kind
      • VertexBuffer.ColorKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesExtraKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsExtraKind
    • data: FloatArray

      defines the data source

    • Optional updatable: boolean

      defines if the updated vertex buffer must be flagged as updatable

    • Optional stride: number

      defines the data stride size (can be null)

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • Simplify the mesh according to the given array of settings. Function will return immediately and will simplify async


    • settings: ISimplificationSettings[]

      a collection of simplification settings

    • Optional parallelProcessing: boolean

      should all levels calculate parallel or one after the other

    • Optional simplificationType: QUADRATIC

      the type of simplification to run

    • Optional successCallback: ((mesh?: Mesh, submeshIndex?: number) => void)

      optional success callback to be called after the simplification finished processing all settings

        • (mesh?: Mesh, submeshIndex?: number): void
        • Parameters

          • Optional mesh: Mesh
          • Optional submeshIndex: number

          Returns void

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • subdivide(count: number): void
  • This function will subdivide the mesh into multiple submeshes


    • count: number

      defines the expected number of submeshes

    Returns void

  • synchronizeInstances(): Mesh
  • Synchronises all the mesh instance submeshes to the current mesh submeshes, if any. After this call, all the mesh instances have the same submeshes than the current mesh.

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • Creates a new thin instance


    • matrix: DeepImmutableObject<Matrix> | DeepImmutableObject<Matrix>[]

      the matrix or array of matrices (position, rotation, scale) of the thin instance(s) to create

    • Optional refresh: boolean

      true to refresh the underlying gpu buffer (default: true). If you do multiple calls to this method in a row, set refresh to true only for the last call to save performance

    Returns number

    the thin instance index number. If you pass an array of matrices, other instance indexes are index+1, index+2, etc

  • thinInstanceAddSelf(refresh?: boolean): number
  • Adds the transformation (matrix) of the current mesh as a thin instance


    • Optional refresh: boolean

      true to refresh the underlying gpu buffer (default: true). If you do multiple calls to this method in a row, set refresh to true only for the last call to save performance

    Returns number

    the thin instance index number

  • thinInstanceBufferUpdated(kind: string): void
  • Synchronize the gpu buffers with a thin instance buffer. Call this method if you update later on the buffers passed to thinInstanceSetBuffer


    • kind: string

      name of the attribute to update. Use "matrix" to update the buffer of matrices

    Returns void

  • thinInstanceGetWorldMatrices(): Matrix[]
  • Gets the list of world matrices

    Returns Matrix[]

    an array containing all the world matrices from the thin instances

  • thinInstancePartialBufferUpdate(kind: string, data: Float32Array, offset: number): void
  • Applies a partial update to a buffer directly on the GPU Note that the buffer located on the CPU is NOT updated! It's up to you to update it (or not) with the same data you pass to this method


    • kind: string

      name of the attribute to update. Use "matrix" to update the buffer of matrices

    • data: Float32Array

      the data to set in the GPU buffer

    • offset: number

      the offset in the GPU buffer where to update the data

    Returns void

  • thinInstanceRefreshBoundingInfo(forceRefreshParentInfo?: boolean, applySkeleton?: boolean, applyMorph?: boolean): void
  • Refreshes the bounding info, taking into account all the thin instances defined


    • Optional forceRefreshParentInfo: boolean

      true to force recomputing the mesh bounding info and use it to compute the aggregated bounding info

    • Optional applySkeleton: boolean

      defines whether to apply the skeleton before computing the bounding info

    • Optional applyMorph: boolean

      defines whether to apply the morph target before computing the bounding info

    Returns void

  • thinInstanceRegisterAttribute(kind: string, stride: number): void
  • Registers a custom attribute to be used with thin instances


    • kind: string

      name of the attribute

    • stride: number

      size in floats of the attribute

    Returns void

  • thinInstanceSetAttributeAt(kind: string, index: number, value: number[], refresh?: boolean): void
  • Sets the value of a custom attribute for a thin instance


    • kind: string

      name of the attribute

    • index: number

      index of the thin instance

    • value: number[]

      value to set

    • Optional refresh: boolean

      true to refresh the underlying gpu buffer (default: true). If you do multiple calls to this method in a row, set refresh to true only for the last call to save performance

    Returns void

  • thinInstanceSetBuffer(kind: string, buffer: Nullable<Float32Array>, stride?: number, staticBuffer?: boolean): void
  • Sets a buffer to be used with thin instances. This method is a faster way to setup multiple instances than calling thinInstanceAdd repeatedly


    • kind: string

      name of the attribute. Use "matrix" to setup the buffer of matrices

    • buffer: Nullable<Float32Array>

      buffer to set

    • Optional stride: number

      size in floats of each value of the buffer

    • Optional staticBuffer: boolean

      indicates that the buffer is static, so that you won't change it after it is set (better performances - false by default)

    Returns void

  • Sets the matrix of a thin instance


    • index: number

      index of the thin instance

    • matrix: DeepImmutableObject<Matrix>

      matrix to set

    • Optional refresh: boolean

      true to refresh the underlying gpu buffer (default: true). If you do multiple calls to this method in a row, set refresh to true only for the last call to save performance

    Returns void

  • toLeftHanded(): Mesh
  • Invert the geometry to move from a right handed system to a left handed one.

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • toString(fullDetails?: boolean): string
  • Returns a description of this mesh


    • Optional fullDetails: boolean

      define if full details about this mesh must be used

    Returns string

    a descriptive string representing this mesh

  • transferToEffect(world: Matrix): void
  • Transfer the mesh values to its UBO.


    • world: Matrix

      The world matrix associated with the mesh

    Returns void

  • Translates the mesh along the axis vector for the passed distance in the given space. space (default LOCAL) can be either Space.LOCAL, either Space.WORLD.


    • axis: Vector3

      the axis to translate in

    • distance: number

      the distance to translate

    • Optional space: Space

      Space to rotate in (Default: local)

    Returns TransformNode

    the TransformNode.

  • unfreezeNormals(): Mesh
  • This function affects parametric shapes on vertex position update only : ribbons, tubes, etc. It has no effect at all on other shapes. It reactivates the mesh normals computation if it was previously frozen

    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • Allows back the World matrix computation.

    Returns LinesMesh

    the TransformNode.

  • Disposes a previously registered javascript function called after the rendering.


    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • Disposes a previously registered javascript function called before the rendering


    Returns Mesh

    the current mesh

  • Updates the mesh facetData arrays and the internal partitioning when the mesh is morphed or updated. This method can be called within the render loop. You don't need to call this method by yourself in the render loop when you update/morph a mesh with the methods CreateXXX() as they automatically manage this computation



    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • Update the current index buffer


    • indices: IndicesArray

      defines the source data

    • Optional offset: number

      defines the offset in the index buffer where to store the new data (can be null)

    • Optional gpuMemoryOnly: boolean

      defines a boolean indicating that only the GPU memory must be updated leaving the CPU version of the indices unchanged (false by default)

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • updateMeshPositions(positionFunction: ((data: FloatArray) => void), computeNormals?: boolean): Mesh
  • Copies the parameter passed Matrix into the mesh Pose matrix.


    • matrix: Matrix

      the matrix to copy the pose from

    Returns TransformNode

    this TransformNode.

  • updateVerticesData(kind: string, data: FloatArray, updateExtends?: boolean, makeItUnique?: boolean): AbstractMesh
  • Update a specific associated vertex buffer


    • kind: string

      defines which buffer to write to (positions, indices, normals, etc). Possible kind values :

      • VertexBuffer.PositionKind
      • VertexBuffer.UVKind
      • VertexBuffer.UV2Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV3Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV4Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV5Kind
      • VertexBuffer.UV6Kind
      • VertexBuffer.ColorKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesIndicesExtraKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsKind
      • VertexBuffer.MatricesWeightsExtraKind
    • data: FloatArray

      defines the data source

    • Optional updateExtends: boolean

      defines if extends info of the mesh must be updated (can be null). This is mostly useful for "position" kind

    • Optional makeItUnique: boolean

      defines if the geometry associated with the mesh must be cloned to make the change only for this mesh (and not all meshes associated with the same geometry)

    Returns AbstractMesh

    the current mesh

  • validateSkinning(): { report: string; skinned: boolean; valid: boolean }
  • ValidateSkinning is used to determine that a mesh has valid skinning data along with skin metrics, if missing weights, or not normalized it is returned as invalid mesh the string can be used for console logs, or on screen messages to let the user know there was an issue with importing the mesh

    Returns { report: string; skinned: boolean; valid: boolean }

    a validation object with skinned, valid and report string

    • report: string
    • skinned: boolean
    • valid: boolean
  • Add a new node constructor


    • type: string

      defines the type name of the node to construct

    • constructorFunc: NodeConstructor

      defines the constructor function

    Returns void

  • Returns the center of the {min: Vector3, max: Vector3} or the center of MinMax vector3 computed from a mesh array


    • meshesOrMinMaxVector: AbstractMesh[] | { max: Vector3; min: Vector3 }

      could be an array of meshes or a {min: Vector3, max: Vector3} object

    Returns Vector3

    a vector3

  • Construct(type: string, name: string, scene: Scene, options?: any): Nullable<(() => Node)>
  • Returns a node constructor based on type name


    • type: string

      defines the type name

    • name: string

      defines the new node name

    • scene: Scene

      defines the hosting scene

    • Optional options: any

      defines optional options to transmit to constructors

    Returns Nullable<(() => Node)>

    the new constructor or null

  • MergeMeshes(meshes: Mesh[], disposeSource?: boolean, allow32BitsIndices?: boolean, meshSubclass?: Mesh, subdivideWithSubMeshes?: boolean, multiMultiMaterials?: boolean): Nullable<Mesh>
  • Merge the array of meshes into a single mesh for performance reasons.


    • meshes: Mesh[]

      array of meshes with the vertices to merge. Entries cannot be empty meshes.

    • Optional disposeSource: boolean

      when true (default), dispose of the vertices from the source meshes.

    • Optional allow32BitsIndices: boolean

      when the sum of the vertices > 64k, this must be set to true.

    • Optional meshSubclass: Mesh

      (optional) can be set to a Mesh where the merged vertices will be inserted.

    • Optional subdivideWithSubMeshes: boolean

      when true (false default), subdivide mesh into subMeshes.

    • Optional multiMultiMaterials: boolean

      when true (false default), subdivide mesh into subMeshes with multiple materials, ignores subdivideWithSubMeshes.

    Returns Nullable<Mesh>

    a new mesh

  • MergeMeshesAsync(meshes: Mesh[], disposeSource?: boolean, allow32BitsIndices?: boolean, meshSubclass?: Mesh, subdivideWithSubMeshes?: boolean, multiMultiMaterials?: boolean): Promise<any>
  • Merge the array of meshes into a single mesh for performance reasons.


    • meshes: Mesh[]

      array of meshes with the vertices to merge. Entries cannot be empty meshes.

    • Optional disposeSource: boolean

      when true (default), dispose of the vertices from the source meshes.

    • Optional allow32BitsIndices: boolean

      when the sum of the vertices > 64k, this must be set to true.

    • Optional meshSubclass: Mesh

      (optional) can be set to a Mesh where the merged vertices will be inserted.

    • Optional subdivideWithSubMeshes: boolean

      when true (false default), subdivide mesh into subMeshes.

    • Optional multiMultiMaterials: boolean

      when true (false default), subdivide mesh into subMeshes with multiple materials, ignores subdivideWithSubMeshes.

    Returns Promise<any>

    a new mesh

  • Returns an object containing a min and max Vector3 which are the minimum and maximum vectors of each mesh bounding box from the passed array, in the world coordinates


    Returns { max: Vector3; min: Vector3 }

    an object {min: Vector3, max: Vector3}

  • Parses a serialized ground mesh


    • parsedMesh: any

      the serialized mesh

    • scene: Scene

      the scene to create the ground mesh in

    Returns LinesMesh

    the created ground mesh

  • ParseAnimationRanges(node: Node, parsedNode: any, _scene: Scene): void
  • Parse animation range data from a serialization object and store them into a given node


    • node: Node

      defines where to store the animation ranges

    • parsedNode: any

      defines the serialization object to read data from

    • _scene: Scene

      defines the hosting scene

    Returns void


  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

