  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

The Universal Camera is the one to choose for first person shooter type games, and works with all the keyboard, mouse, touch and gamepads. This replaces the earlier Free Camera, which still works and will still be found in many Playgrounds.











animations: Animation[]

Gets a list of Animations associated with the node

applyGravity: boolean

Enable or disable gravity on the camera.

cameraDirection: Vector3

Define the current direction the camera is moving to

cameraRigMode: number

Rig mode of the camera. This is useful to create the camera with two "eyes" instead of one to create VR or stereoscopic scenes. This is normally controlled byt the camera themselves as internal use.

cameraRotation: Vector2

Define the current rotation the camera is rotating to

checkCollisions: boolean

Enable or disable collisions of the camera with the rest of the scene objects.

customRenderTargets: RenderTargetTexture[]

Defines the list of custom render target which are rendered to and then used as the input to this camera's render. Eg. display another camera view on a TV in the main scene This is pretty helpful if you wish to make a camera render to a texture you could reuse somewhere else in the scene. (Eg. security camera)

To change the final output target of the camera, camera.outputRenderTarget should be used instead (eg. webXR renders to a render target corresponding to an HMD)

ellipsoid: Vector3

Define the collision ellipsoid of the camera. This is helpful to simulate a camera body like the player body around the camera



ellipsoidOffset: Vector3

Define an offset for the position of the ellipsoid around the camera. This can be helpful to determine the center of the body near the gravity center of the body instead of its head.

fov: number

Field Of View is set in Radians. (default is 0.8)

fovMode: number

fovMode sets the camera frustum bounds to the viewport bounds. (default is FOVMODE_VERTICAL_FIXED)

id: string

Gets or sets the id of the node

ignoreParentScaling: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the scaling of the parent hierarchy will not be taken in account by the camera

inertia: number

Define the default inertia of the camera. This helps giving a smooth feeling to the camera movement.

Define the input manager associated to the camera.

inspectableCustomProperties: IInspectable[]

List of inspectable custom properties (used by the Inspector)



interaxialDistance: number

Defines the distance between both "eyes" in case of a RIG

inverseRotationSpeed: number

Speed multiplier for inverse camera panning

invertRotation: boolean

Reverses mouselook direction to 'natural' panning as opposed to traditional direct panning

isIntermediate: boolean

Define whether the camera is intermediate. This is useful to not present the output directly to the screen in case of rig without post process for instance

isRigCamera: boolean

Is this camera a part of a rig system?

isStereoscopicSideBySide: boolean

Defines if stereoscopic rendering is done side by side or over under.

layerMask: number

Restricts the camera to viewing objects with the same layerMask. A camera with a layerMask of 1 will render mesh.layerMask & camera.layerMask!== 0

lockedTarget: any

Define the current target of the camera as an object or a position. Please note that locking a target will disable panning.

maxZ: number

Define the maximum distance the camera can see to. This is important to note that the depth buffer are not infinite and the further it end the more your scene might encounter depth fighting issue.

metadata: any

Gets or sets an object used to store user defined information for the node

minZ: number

Define the minimum distance the camera can see from. This is important to note that the depth buffer are not infinite and the closer it starts the more your scene might encounter depth fighting issue.

name: string

Gets or sets the name of the node

noRotationConstraint: boolean

Add constraint to the camera to prevent it to move freely in all directions and around all axis.

onAccessibilityTagChangedObservable: Observable<Nullable<IAccessibilityTag>>
onAfterCheckInputsObservable: Observable<Camera>

Observable triggered when the inputs have been processed.

onCollide: ((collidedMesh: AbstractMesh) => void)

Type declaration

    • Event raised when the camera collide with a mesh in the scene.


      Returns void

onDisposeObservable: Observable<Node>

An event triggered when the mesh is disposed

onProjectionMatrixChangedObservable: Observable<Camera>

Observable triggered when the camera Projection matrix has changed.

onReady: Nullable<((node: Node) => void)>

Callback raised when the node is ready to be used

onRestoreStateObservable: Observable<Camera>

Observable triggered when reset has been called and applied to the camera.

onViewMatrixChangedObservable: Observable<Camera>

Observable triggered when the camera view matrix has changed.

outputRenderTarget: Nullable<RenderTargetTexture>

When set, the camera will render to this render target instead of the default canvas

If the desire is to use the output of a camera as a texture in the scene consider using camera.customRenderTargets instead

projectionPlaneTilt: number

Projection plane tilt around the X axis (horizontal), set in Radians. (default is 0) Can be used to make vertical lines in world space actually vertical on the screen. See https://forum.babylonjs.com/t/add-vertical-shift-to-3ds-max-exporter-babylon-cameras/17480

renderPassId: number

Render pass id used by the camera to render into the main framebuffer

reservedDataStore: any

For internal use only. Please do not use.

rigParent?: Camera

If isRigCamera set to true this will be set with the parent camera. The parent camera is not (!) necessarily the .parent of this camera (like in the case of XR)

rotation: Vector3

Define the current rotation of the camera

rotationQuaternion: Quaternion

Define the current rotation of the camera as a quaternion to prevent Gimbal lock

speed: number

Define the current speed of the camera

state: string

Gets or sets a string used to store user defined state for the node

uniqueId: number

Gets or sets the unique id of the node

updateUpVectorFromRotation: boolean

When set, the up vector of the camera will be updated by the rotation of the camera

viewport: Viewport

Define the viewport of the camera. This correspond to the portion of the screen the camera will render to in normalized 0 to 1 unit.


This setting aligns the left and right bounds of the viewport to the left and right bounds of the camera frustum.


This is the default FOV mode for perspective cameras. This setting aligns the upper and lower bounds of the viewport to the upper and lower bounds of the camera frustum.

ForceAttachControlToAlwaysPreventDefault: boolean

Defines if by default attaching controls should prevent the default javascript event to continue.


This helps creating camera with an orthographic mode. Orthographic is commonly used in engineering as a means to produce object specifications that communicate dimensions unambiguously, each line of 1 unit length (cm, meter..whatever) will appear to have the same length everywhere on the drawing. This allows the drafter to dimension only a subset of lines and let the reader know that other lines of that length on the drawing are also that length in reality. Every parallel line in the drawing is also parallel in the object.


This is the default projection mode used by the cameras. It helps recreating a feeling of perspective and better appreciate depth. This is the best way to simulate real life cameras.


Custom rig mode allowing rig cameras to be populated manually with any number of cameras


This specifies there is no need for a camera rig. Basically only one eye is rendered corresponding to the camera.


Simulates a camera Rig with one blue eye and one red eye. This can be use with 3d blue and red glasses.


Defines that both eyes of the camera will be rendered on successive lines interlaced for passive 3d monitors.


Defines that both eyes of the camera will be rendered over under each other.


Defines that both eyes of the camera will be rendered side by side with a none parallel target.


Defines that both eyes of the camera will be rendered side by side with a parallel target.

RIG_MODE_VR: 20 = 20

Defines that both eyes of the camera should be renderered in a VR mode (carbox).


Defines that both eyes of the camera should be renderered in a VR mode (webVR).


  • Returns the current camera absolute rotation

    Returns Quaternion

  • Gets or sets the accessibility tag to describe the node for accessibility purpose.

    Returns Nullable<IAccessibilityTag>

  • Gets or sets the accessibility tag to describe the node for accessibility purpose.


    Returns void

  • get angularSensibility(): number
  • set angularSensibility(value: number): void
  • Gets the input sensibility for a mouse input. (default is 2000.0) Higher values reduce sensitivity.

    Returns number

  • Sets the input sensibility for a mouse input. (default is 2000.0) Higher values reduce sensitivity.


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • Gets or sets the animation properties override

    Returns Nullable<AnimationPropertiesOverride>

  • Gets or sets the animation properties override


    Returns void

  • get collisionMask(): number
  • set collisionMask(mask: number): void
  • Define a collision mask to limit the list of object the camera can collide with

    Returns number

  • Define a collision mask to limit the list of object the camera can collide with


    • mask: number

    Returns void

  • get doNotSerialize(): boolean
  • set doNotSerialize(value: boolean): void
  • Gets or sets a boolean used to define if the node must be serialized

    Returns boolean

  • Gets or sets a boolean used to define if the node must be serialized


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get gamepadAngularSensibility(): number
  • set gamepadAngularSensibility(value: number): void
  • Defines the gamepad rotation sensibility. This is the threshold from when rotation starts to be accounted for to prevent jittering.

    Returns number

  • Defines the gamepad rotation sensibility. This is the threshold from when rotation starts to be accounted for to prevent jittering.


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get gamepadMoveSensibility(): number
  • set gamepadMoveSensibility(value: number): void
  • Defines the gamepad move sensibility. This is the threshold from when moving starts to be accounted for to prevent jittering.

    Returns number

  • Defines the gamepad move sensibility. This is the threshold from when moving starts to be accounted for to prevent jittering.


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • Gets the current world space position of the camera.

    Returns Vector3

  • get isLeftCamera(): boolean
  • Gets the left camera of a rig setup in case of Rigged Camera

    Returns boolean

  • get isRightCamera(): boolean
  • Gets the right camera of a rig setup in case of Rigged Camera

    Returns boolean

  • get keysDown(): number[]
  • set keysDown(value: number[]): void
  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the backward move of the camera.

    Returns number[]

  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the backward move of the camera.


    • value: number[]

    Returns void

  • get keysDownward(): number[]
  • set keysDownward(value: number[]): void
  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the downward move of the camera.

    Returns number[]

  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the downward move of the camera.


    • value: number[]

    Returns void

  • get keysLeft(): number[]
  • set keysLeft(value: number[]): void
  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the left strafe move of the camera.

    Returns number[]

  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the left strafe move of the camera.


    • value: number[]

    Returns void

  • get keysRight(): number[]
  • set keysRight(value: number[]): void
  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the right strafe move of the camera.

    Returns number[]

  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the right strafe move of the camera.


    • value: number[]

    Returns void

  • get keysRotateLeft(): number[]
  • set keysRotateLeft(value: number[]): void
  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the left rotation move of the camera.

    Returns number[]

  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the left rotation move of the camera.


    • value: number[]

    Returns void

  • get keysRotateRight(): number[]
  • set keysRotateRight(value: number[]): void
  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the right rotation move of the camera.

    Returns number[]

  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the right rotation move of the camera.


    • value: number[]

    Returns void

  • get keysUp(): number[]
  • set keysUp(value: number[]): void
  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the forward move of the camera.

    Returns number[]

  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the forward move of the camera.


    • value: number[]

    Returns void

  • get keysUpward(): number[]
  • set keysUpward(value: number[]): void
  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the upward move of the camera.

    Returns number[]

  • Gets or Set the list of keyboard keys used to control the upward move of the camera.


    • value: number[]

    Returns void

  • Gets the left camera of a rig setup in case of Rigged Camera

    Returns Nullable<FreeCamera>

  • get mode(): number
  • set mode(mode: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • mode: number

    Returns void

  • An event triggered when the node is cloned

    Returns Observable<Node>

  • set onDispose(callback: (() => void)): void
  • Sets a callback that will be raised when the node will be disposed


    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns void

  • get onEnabledStateChangedObservable(): Observable<boolean>
  • An event triggered when the enabled state of the node changes

    Returns Observable<boolean>

  • get orthoBottom(): Nullable<number>
  • set orthoBottom(value: Nullable<number>): void
  • Returns Nullable<number>

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Returns Nullable<number>

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Returns Nullable<number>

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Returns Nullable<number>

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Define the current local position of the camera in the scene

    Returns Vector3

  • Define the current local position of the camera in the scene


    Returns void

  • Gets the post process used by the rig cameras

    Returns Nullable<PostProcess>

  • Gets the right camera of a rig setup in case of Rigged Camera

    Returns Nullable<FreeCamera>

  • get screenArea(): number
  • The screen area in scene units squared

    Returns number

  • Defines the target point of the camera. The camera looks towards it form the radius distance.

    Returns Vector3

  • Defines the target point of the camera. The camera looks towards it form the radius distance.


    Returns void

  • get touchAngularSensibility(): number
  • set touchAngularSensibility(value: number): void
  • Defines the touch sensibility for rotation. The higher the faster.

    Returns number

  • Defines the touch sensibility for rotation. The higher the faster.


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get touchMoveSensibility(): number
  • set touchMoveSensibility(value: number): void
  • Defines the touch sensibility for move. The higher the faster.

    Returns number

  • Defines the touch sensibility for move. The higher the faster.


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • The vector the camera should consider as up. (default is Vector3(0, 1, 0) aka Vector3.Up())

    Returns Vector3

  • The vector the camera should consider as up. (default is Vector3(0, 1, 0) aka Vector3.Up())


    Returns void

  • get worldMatrixFromCache(): Matrix
  • Returns directly the latest state of the mesh World matrix. A Matrix is returned.

    Returns Matrix


  • applyVerticalCorrection(): void
  • Automatically tilts the projection plane, using projectionPlaneTilt, to correct the perspective effect on vertical lines.

    Returns void

  • attachControl(noPreventDefault?: boolean): void
  • attachControl(ignored: any, noPreventDefault?: boolean): void
  • beginAnimation(name: string, loop?: boolean, speedRatio?: number, onAnimationEnd?: (() => void)): Nullable<Animatable>
  • Will start the animation sequence


    • name: string

      defines the range frames for animation sequence

    • Optional loop: boolean

      defines if the animation should loop (false by default)

    • Optional speedRatio: number

      defines the speed factor in which to run the animation (1 by default)

    • Optional onAnimationEnd: (() => void)

      defines a function to be executed when the animation ended (undefined by default)

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns Nullable<Animatable>

    the object created for this animation. If range does not exist, it will return null

  • Clones the current camera.


    • name: string

      The cloned camera name

    • Optional newParent: Nullable<Node>

      The cloned camera's new parent (none by default)

    Returns Camera

    the cloned camera

  • createAnimationRange(name: string, from: number, to: number): void
  • Creates an animation range for this node


    • name: string

      defines the name of the range

    • from: number

      defines the starting key

    • to: number

      defines the end key

    Returns void

  • deleteAnimationRange(name: string, deleteFrames?: boolean): void
  • Delete a specific animation range


    • name: string

      defines the name of the range to delete

    • Optional deleteFrames: boolean

      defines if animation frames from the range must be deleted as well

    Returns void

  • detachControl(): void
  • Detach the current controls from the specified dom element.

    Returns void

  • dispose(): void
  • Destroy the camera and release the current resources hold by it.

    Returns void

  • freezeProjectionMatrix(projection?: Matrix): void
  • Freeze the projection matrix. It will prevent the cache check of the camera projection compute and can speed up perf if no parameter of the camera are meant to change


    • Optional projection: Matrix

      Defines manually a projection if necessary

    Returns void

  • Get an animation by name


    • name: string

      defines the name of the animation to look for

    Returns Nullable<Animation>

    null if not found else the requested animation

  • Get an animation range by name


    • name: string

      defines the name of the animation range to look for

    Returns Nullable<AnimationRange>

    null if not found else the requested animation range

  • getChildMeshes<T>(directDescendantsOnly?: boolean, predicate?: ((node: Node) => node is T)): T[]
  • getChildMeshes(directDescendantsOnly?: boolean, predicate?: ((node: Node) => boolean)): AbstractMesh[]
  • Get all child-meshes of this node

    Type Parameters


    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered (Default: false)

    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => node is T)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): node is T
        • Parameters

          Returns node is T

    Returns T[]

    an array of AbstractMesh

  • Get all child-meshes of this node


    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered (Default: false)

    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => boolean)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    Returns AbstractMesh[]

    an array of AbstractMesh

  • getChildren<T>(predicate?: ((node: Node) => node is T), directDescendantsOnly?: boolean): T[]
  • getChildren(predicate?: ((node: Node) => boolean), directDescendantsOnly?: boolean): Node[]
  • Get all direct children of this node

    Type Parameters


    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => node is T)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): node is T
        • Parameters

          Returns node is T

    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered (Default: true)

    Returns T[]

    an array of Node

  • Get all direct children of this node


    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => boolean)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered (Default: true)

    Returns Node[]

    an array of Node

  • getClassName(): string
  • Gets the current object class name.

    Returns string

    the class name

  • getDescendants<T>(directDescendantsOnly?: boolean, predicate?: ((node: Node) => node is T)): T[]
  • getDescendants(directDescendantsOnly?: boolean, predicate?: ((node: Node) => boolean)): Node[]
  • Will return all nodes that have this node as ascendant

    Type Parameters


    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered

    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => node is T)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): node is T
        • Parameters

          Returns node is T

    Returns T[]

    all children nodes of all types

  • Will return all nodes that have this node as ascendant


    • Optional directDescendantsOnly: boolean

      defines if true only direct descendants of 'this' will be considered, if false direct and also indirect (children of children, an so on in a recursive manner) descendants of 'this' will be considered

    • Optional predicate: ((node: Node) => boolean)

      defines an optional predicate that will be called on every evaluated child, the predicate must return true for a given child to be part of the result, otherwise it will be ignored

        • (node: Node): boolean
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean

    Returns Node[]

    all children nodes of all types

  • Gets the direction of the camera relative to a given local axis.


    • localAxis: Vector3

      Defines the reference axis to provide a relative direction.

    Returns Vector3

    the direction

  • Gets the direction of the camera relative to a given local axis into a passed vector.


    • localAxis: Vector3

      Defines the reference axis to provide a relative direction.

    • result: Vector3

      Defines the vector to store the result in

    Returns void

  • Gets the engine of the node

    Returns Engine

    a Engine

  • Gets a ray in the forward direction from the camera.


    • Optional length: number

      Defines the length of the ray to create

    • Optional transform: Matrix

      Defines the transform to apply to the ray, by default the world matrix is used to create a workd space ray

    • Optional origin: Vector3

      Defines the start point of the ray which defaults to the camera position

    Returns Ray

    the forward ray

  • Gets a ray in the forward direction from the camera.


    • refRay: Ray

      the ray to (re)use when setting the values

    • Optional length: number

      Defines the length of the ray to create

    • Optional transform: Matrix

      Defines the transform to apply to the ray, by default the world matrx is used to create a workd space ray

    • Optional origin: Vector3

      Defines the start point of the ray which defaults to the camera position

    Returns Ray

    the forward ray

  • getFrontPosition(distance: number): Vector3
  • Gets the position in front of the camera at a given distance.


    • distance: number

      The distance from the camera we want the position to be

    Returns Vector3

    the position

  • Return the minimum and maximum world vectors of the entire hierarchy under current node


    • Optional includeDescendants: boolean

      Include bounding info from descendants as well (true by default)

    • Optional predicate: Nullable<((abstractMesh: AbstractMesh) => boolean)>

      defines a callback function that can be customize to filter what meshes should be included in the list used to compute the bounding vectors

    Returns { max: Vector3; min: Vector3 }

    the new bounding vectors

  • Gets the left camera target of a rig setup in case of Rigged Camera

    Returns Nullable<Vector3>

    the target position

  • getProjectionMatrix(force?: boolean): Matrix
  • Gets the current projection matrix of the camera.


    • Optional force: boolean

      forces the camera to recompute the matrix without looking at the cached state

    Returns Matrix

    the projection matrix

  • Gets the scene of the node

    Returns Scene

    a scene

  • Return the current target position of the camera. This value is expressed in local space.

    Returns Vector3

    the target position

  • getTransformationMatrix(): Matrix
  • Gets the transformation matrix (ie. the multiplication of view by projection matrices)

    Returns Matrix

    a Matrix

  • getViewMatrix(force?: boolean): Matrix
  • Gets the current view matrix of the camera.


    • Optional force: boolean

      forces the camera to recompute the matrix without looking at the cached state

    Returns Matrix

    the view matrix

  • isActiveMesh(mesh: Mesh): boolean
  • Check whether a mesh is part of the current active mesh list of the camera


    • mesh: Mesh

      Defines the mesh to check

    Returns boolean

    true if active, false otherwise

  • isCompletelyInFrustum(target: ICullable): boolean
  • Checks if a cullable object (mesh...) is in the camera frustum Unlike isInFrustum this checks the full bounding box


    Returns boolean

    true if the object is in frustum otherwise false

  • isDescendantOf(ancestor: Node): boolean
  • Is this node a descendant of the given node? The function will iterate up the hierarchy until the ancestor was found or no more parents defined


    • ancestor: Node

      defines the parent node to inspect

    Returns boolean

    a boolean indicating if this node is a descendant of the given node

  • isDisposed(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if the node has been disposed

    Returns boolean

    true if the node was disposed

  • isEnabled(checkAncestors?: boolean): boolean
  • Is this node enabled? If the node has a parent, all ancestors will be checked and false will be returned if any are false (not enabled), otherwise will return true


    • Optional checkAncestors: boolean

      indicates if this method should check the ancestors. The default is to check the ancestors. If set to false, the method will return the value of this node without checking ancestors

    Returns boolean

    whether this node (and its parent) is enabled

  • isInFrustum(target: ICullable, checkRigCameras?: boolean): boolean
  • Checks if a cullable object (mesh...) is in the camera frustum This checks the bounding box center. See isCompletelyInFrustum for a full bounding check


    • target: ICullable

      The object to check

    • Optional checkRigCameras: boolean

      If the rig cameras should be checked (eg. with webVR camera both eyes should be checked) (Default: false)

    Returns boolean

    true if the object is in frustum otherwise false

  • isReady(completeCheck?: boolean): boolean
  • Is this camera ready to be used/rendered


    • Optional completeCheck: boolean

      defines if a complete check (including post processes) has to be done (false by default)

    Returns boolean

    true if the camera is ready

  • markAsDirty(_property?: string): Node
  • Flag the node as dirty (Forcing it to update everything)


    • Optional _property: string

      helps children apply precise "dirtyfication"

    Returns Node

    this node

  • restoreState(): boolean
  • Restored camera state. You must call storeState() first.

    Returns boolean

    true if restored and false otherwise

  • serialize(): any
  • Serialiaze the camera setup to a json representation

    Returns any

    the JSON representation

  • serializeAnimationRanges(): any
  • Serialize animation ranges into a JSON compatible object

    Returns any

    serialization object

  • setEnabled(value: boolean): void
  • Set the enabled state of this node


    • value: boolean

      defines the new enabled state

    Returns void

  • Defines the target the camera should look at.


    • target: Vector3

      Defines the new target as a Vector

    Returns void

  • Store current camera state of the camera (fov, position, rotation, etc..)

    Returns Camera

    the camera

  • toString(fullDetails?: boolean): string
  • Gets a string representation of the camera useful for debug purpose.


    • Optional fullDetails: boolean

      Defines that a more verbose level of logging is required

    Returns string

    the string representation

  • unfreezeProjectionMatrix(): void
  • Unfreeze the projection matrix if it has previously been freezed by freezeProjectionMatrix.

    Returns void

  • update(): void
  • Update the camera state according to the different inputs gathered during the frame.

    Returns void

  • Add a new node constructor


    • type: string

      defines the type name of the node to construct

    • constructorFunc: NodeConstructor

      defines the constructor function

    Returns void

  • Construct(type: string, name: string, scene: Scene, options?: any): Nullable<(() => Node)>
  • Returns a node constructor based on type name


    • type: string

      defines the type name

    • name: string

      defines the new node name

    • scene: Scene

      defines the hosting scene

    • Optional options: any

      defines optional options to transmit to constructors

    Returns Nullable<(() => Node)>

    the new constructor or null

  • GetConstructorFromName(type: string, name: string, scene: Scene, interaxial_distance?: number, isStereoscopicSideBySide?: boolean): (() => Camera)
  • Gets a camera constructor for a given camera type


    • type: string

      The type of the camera to construct (should be equal to one of the camera class name)

    • name: string

      The name of the camera the result will be able to instantiate

    • scene: Scene

      The scene the result will construct the camera in

    • Optional interaxial_distance: number

      In case of stereoscopic setup, the distance between both eyes

    • Optional isStereoscopicSideBySide: boolean

      In case of stereoscopic setup, should the sereo be side b side

    Returns (() => Camera)

    a factory method to construct the camera

      • Gets a camera constructor for a given camera type

        Returns Camera

        a factory method to construct the camera

  • Parse a JSON and creates the camera from the parsed information


    • parsedCamera: any

      The JSON to parse

    • scene: Scene

      The scene to instantiate the camera in

    Returns Camera

    the newly constructed camera

  • ParseAnimationRanges(node: Node, parsedNode: any, _scene: Scene): void
  • Parse animation range data from a serialization object and store them into a given node


    • node: Node

      defines where to store the animation ranges

    • parsedNode: any

      defines the serialization object to read data from

    • _scene: Scene

      defines the hosting scene

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

